L’impatto globale dei talebani

L’Afghanistan tornato nelle mani dei talebani apre scenari inediti su cinque fronti cruciali per la sicurezza globale: la faida jihadista per il controllo di Kabul; il rafforzamento di Qatar, Pakistan e Turchia nel mondo musulmano; la necessità per l’America di Biden di riguadagnare in fretta prestigio ed autorità; l’opportunità per Cina e Russia di modificare a proprio favore gli equilibri di potere in Asia; l’urgenza per l’Europa di fronteggiare profughi e terrorismo, aumentando il proprio profilo strategico.

«Талібан» може встановити дипломатичні стосунки із західними державами — політолог

Ситуація в столиці Афганістану загострилася після вибухів, скоєних 26 серпня бойовиками терористичної організації «Ісламська держава» поруч з аеропортом Кабула.

Розмова з аналітиком Інституту майбутнього Ілією Кусою.

Syrian army bombards rebels in birthplace of uprising – residents

Syria’s military bombarded the last rebel enclave in the southern city of Deraa on Sunday, killing at least six people in one of the deadliest attacks in its siege of the birthplace of the country’s uprising, residents said.

The army declined to comment on the reports but said in a statement it was losing patience with what it called “armed groups and terrorists” in the neighbourhood.

Global migration and refugee crisis

What is the global refugee crisis?

There are now 82 million forcibly displaced people around the world—more than at any time in modern history. These are people who have fled extreme dangers, whether to escape relentless bombing, an invading army, gang violence, or other life-threatening circumstances.

Those who have been uprooted from their homes often face further struggles on their journey to find safety, including lack of access to essential needs like clean water, food, shelter, personal security, and health care.

Afghanistan: Medics respond to the overwhelming health needs

In the wake of intense fighting and the rapid transfer of power to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (also known as the Taliban), people are facing widespread instability, mass displacement, and the disruption of basic services, including health care. Despite the challenges, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams continue to provide essential medical care across all five of our projects in Afghanistan—in Herat, Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Kunduz provinces. Here, two medical staff members working in Lashkar Gah (Helmand province) and Khost city describe the recent changes they have witnessed, and how they have affected patients and health care providers alike.

Names withheld to protect anonymity.
Lashkar Gah: “We are receiving over 700 patients a day in our emergency room”



(Justice and Home Affairs)
Europa building, Brussels
31 August 2021 (13.00)
Format 1+2 (+1 in listening room)

Adoption of the agenda Non-legislative activities

Situation in Afghanistan: Home Affairs aspects1
Exchange of views

Any other business

Macron visits the former IS group’s stronghold in Iraq city of Mosul

French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday visited the Islamic State jihadist group’s former Iraqi stronghold Mosul, a day after vowing to keep troops in the country.

In a speech at the devastated city’s Church of Our Lady of the Hour, which the UN’s cultural agency UNESCO is working to restore, Macron urged Iraq’s religious communities to “work together” to rebuild the country.

The Past and Future of Deobandi Islam

As the barack obama administration considers modifying the current U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, it is useful to understand the social, religious and historical forces that influence Pashtun society. Pashtuns form the single largest community in Afghanistan, consisting of approximately 38% of the population.[1] Pakistan also hosts a significant Pashtun population, primarily in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), where they make up 78% of the population, and in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), where they make up 99% of the population.[2] Overall, 15% of Pakistanis are Pashtun.[3]