SDF Leader Killed in Ambush, North of Raqqa

On Wednesday, a leader of the SDF militia was killed after being ambushed by unknown assailants in the northern countryside of Raqqa, the Zaitun Agency reports.

On Wednesday, a leader of the SDF militia was killed after being ambushed by unknown assailants in the countryside of Ain Issa town, in the northern countryside of Raqqa.

U.S. and France Condemn Russia after Escalation on Idleb

The U.S. and France have each condemned the escalation in the Idleb governorate by Russia and the Syrian regime, according to al-Souria Net.

The U.S. and France have condemned the escalation in the Idleb governorate, since the beginning of the new year, by Assad’s forces and Russia.

Will Russia and the Regime Launch a Ground Military Operation in Idleb?

A ground operation in Idleb remains unlikely, even though the region will probably witness breakthroughs in 2022, according to Baladi News.

Russian Air Force warplanes and regime forces have been intensively bombing towns and villages in Idleb and Hama for a week, mainly targeting vital installations in the region, raising speculation of an incoming ground operation.

Project to Connect Iran Ports to Mediterranean via Iraq and Syria

Iran is considering building a railway that connects the Port of Khomeini to that of Lattakia, on the Mediterranean, according to Arabi 21.

Iran plans to launch a railway connection project between Iran, Iraq, and Syria, allowing it to reach the Mediterranean. This project will give Tehran access to the Mediterranean Sea through the Syrian coastal port of Lattakia.

U.S. Base in al-Omar Field Targeted by Missiles

The U.S. military base in the al-Omar field was targeted by missiles again, a frequent occurrence this week, according to al-Watan.

On Wednesday, the U.S. occupation base in the al-Omar oil field in the northern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor was targeted by missiles. This development led to intense fires in the base and a state of alert for the occupation soldiers around it.

2021 in Palestine: A new generation has finally risen

At the onset, 2021 appeared to be another ordinary year, one of unrelenting Israeli occupation and continued Palestinian misery. While much of that remained true, the dynamics of the Israeli occupation of Palestine were challenged by an unprecedented sense of popular unity among Palestinians, not only in the occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, but among Palestinian communities in historic Palestine as well.

Mali : voici les nouvelles sanctions de la CEDEAO avec effet immediat

Les États d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont adopté dimanche 9 janvier des sanctions «très dures» en raison du non-respect par la junte au pouvoir au Mali de l’échéance de février pour des élections ramenant les civils à la tête du pays
Sanctions supplémentaires :

1 retrait des ambassadeurs de tous les états membres de la cedeao au Mali

2 fermeture des frontières entre le mali et la cedeao

Situation au Mali : Communiqué de l’UEMOA

Accra, République du Ghana 9 janvier 2022

L’Autorité des Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement de la Direction Economique

Afrique : la Russie de Poutine prend pied au Sahel

La France, ex-puissance coloniale, n’est plus en odeur de sainteté à Bamako, au Mali. Où l’accent russe commence à s’entendre. De nombreux soldats et/ou mercenaires russes sont en effet déployés dans le pays au grand dam des Européens.

Recul “notable” des actes de piraterie dans le monde en 2021

Les actes de piraterie et de brigandage ont reculé de manière “notable” dans le monde en 2021, alors que leur nombre était stable depuis 2016, révèle vendredi dans son bilan annuel le pôle d’expertise français dédié à la sûreté maritime MICA Center.

Au total, 317 actes ont été dénombrés en 2021, contre 375 l’année précédente, soit une baisse “notable” de 15%, selon le Maritime Information Cooperation & Awareness Center, situé à Brest.