Syria Today – US Confirms Airstrikes on IRGC Positions in Syria; Gaza War to Consolidate US foothold in Syria

The US President has confirmed that airstrikes work conducted on IRGC positions in Iraq, Syria. Meanwhile, some experts believe that the U.S. will increase its influence in Syria in the wake of the war against Gaza.

Turkish intelligence “neutralizes” senior YPG member in N. Syria

The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) “neutralized” a senior member of the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in a cross-border operation in northern Syria, the semi-official Anadolu Agency reported Thursday.

Tsahal connaissait le véritable QG du Hamas tout en mentant sur l’hôpital Al-Shifa

Tout en informant le monde que le QG du Hamas se trouvait sous l’hôpital Al-Shifa, Tsahal avait déjà trouvé le véritable centre de commandement à 8,5 km de l’hôpital.

Israël n’attaque pas les hôpitaux de Gaza parce qu’ils sont des «centres de commandement du Hamas». Israël détruit systématiquement et délibérément l’infrastructure médicale de Gaza dans le cadre d’une campagne de la terre brûlée visant à rendre Gaza inhabitable et à aggraver une crise humanitaire. Il a l’intention de forcer 2,3 millions de Palestiniens à franchir la frontière vers l’Égypte d’où ils ne reviendront jamais.

Self-Determination Is A Powerful Force: Just Ask Ukraine And Georgia – Analysis

The 10th anniversary of the start of Ukraine’s Euromaidan, when thousands of demonstrators set up a protest camp in Kyiv’s central square, was last week.

Ukraine’s economy had been struggling and the Kremlin-backed President Viktor Yanukovych knew something had to be done to create new opportunities. Meanwhile the EU’s Eastern Partnership, the platform used by Brussels to engage with Eastern Europe, was keen to deepen relations with the countries of east, especially Ukraine. This led to a proposed political association and free trade agreement between the EU and Kyiv.

Israël n’est pas notre allié

«Il est plus essentiel que jamais d’enseigner à nos enfants et petits-enfants l’importance de notre alliance avec l’État d’Israël. C’est notre allié stratégique le plus important – et c’est un ami cher des États-Unis d’Amérique. Si nous ne parvenons pas à sensibiliser nos enfants à l’importance d’Israël, nous risquons d’élever une génération qui ne voit pas la nécessité de protéger notre plus important allié stratégique. Les Américains doivent toujours comprendre l’importance de cette terre que Dieu a promise aux Israélites ; ils doivent respecter le peuple juif et l’État d’Israël ; et ils doivent toujours être du côté de la liberté et du bien, jamais du côté du terrorisme et du mal». («Protéger la terre promise» par la gouverneure Kristi Noem (R-SD))

Operation Iron Swords The fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border

On October 8, 2023, a day after Israel’s Operation Iron Swords against Hamas in the Gaza Strip began, Hezbollah opened another front against Israel from Lebanon. The Palestinian terrorist organizations in Lebanon and pro-Iranian militias operating from the Syrian-Israeli border also participate in the fighting.

Former Grand Mufti Of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Gomaa: The Destruction Of Israel Will Lead To A Battle In Which The Muslims Will Defeat America And Russia

Former Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Gomaa posted a video on his YouTube channel on November 11, 2023, in which he claimed that the destruction of Israel will lead to the battle of Gog and Magog. He said that with “divine intervention” described by the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus will descend and kill Gog and Magog, and the Muslims will vanquish the Byzantines.

Drastic Increase In Anti-Semitism In The World – Analysis

After Hamas militants attacked southern Israel on October 7 this year and after Israel’s fierce counterattack in the Gaza Strip, where the number of dead Palestinians far exceeded the number of dead Jews in the Hamas attack, anti-Semitism throughout the world experienced a drastic rise. The old evil is back at the big door again. Current trends – the flare-up of the war in the Gaza Strip and the mass suffering of Palestinians – are the driving fuel of anti-Semitism, the rise of which favors the deepening or revival of social conflicts in many communities.

European Lawmakers Vote For Abolition Of Member-State Vetos In Latest Brussels Power-Grab

European lawmakers approved plans on Wednesday to remove the national veto for EU member states in the latest attempted power grab by Brussels to wrestle control away from national governments.

A total of 291 MEPs supported the proposal put forward by the “Verhofstadt Group,” a group of MEPs led by the arch-federalist Guy Verhofstadt to amend the European Union treaties in favor of greater centralization and limiting the sovereignty of member states.


The North Caucasus has always been and remains a strategically important object of global geopolitics and geopolitical competition. Throughout Russia’s history, the Western political system has wanted to destabilize the North Caucasus in order to disintegrate the territorial integrity of the state. In the strategy of Western intelligence services in the North Caucasus, special attention is paid to the religious and ethnic factor.

Iran Reinforces Positions in Hama, Deir-ez-Zor and Homs, Withdraws Thousands of Troops From Aleppo

Iran aims to reinforce its forces in its areas of presence in Syria, according to Baladi News.

Informed sources have disclosed that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militias have withdrawn thousands of Syrian members affiliated with them from the Aleppo governorate. These members were relocated to positions in the governorates of Hama, Deir-ez-Zor, and Homs.