Appartenance du Mali à la CEDEAO et à l’UEMOA : Les enjeux

La Conférence des Chefs d’Etats de la CEDEAO et de l’UEMOA a décrété un embargo contre la République du Mali, à l’issue de son sommet extraordinaire conjoint qui s’est tenu le 9 janvier 2022 à Accra (Ghana).

Cet embargo porte entre autres sur la fermeture des frontières entre les pays membres de la CEDEAO et le Mali, la suspension des échanges commerciaux à l’exception des denrées de première nécessité et le blocage des avoirs de l’Etat au niveau de la BCEAO et des banques commerciales. La présente note tente d’élucider les enjeux de l’appartenance du Mali à la CEDEAO et à l’UEMOA et d’explorer les solutions pour atténuer les effets de l’embargo sur le pays.

Mauritaniens « disparus » au Mali : « pas de preuve, à ce stade, contre les FAMa »

Le président de la transition du Mali et le Président mauritanien ont eu un entretien téléphonique ce mercredi 9 mars 2022. Cet échange fait suite aux accusations des autorités mauritaniennes sur des disparitions présumées de mauritaniens au Mali. Dans un communiqué, les autorités maliennes affirment qu’à ce stade « aucune preuve ne met en cause les forces armées maliennes ».

The US’ Afghanization Strategy In Ukraine War

The current developments related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine can only be considered the tip of an iceberg, showing itself in the form of the collapse of the US-centered security system. This order has already proven to seek to make small powers pay the toll to maintain and achieve the system’s cohesion. Just a look at the repeated statements of US officials a few days ago regarding the daily announcement of the imminent Moscow invasion of Ukraine and the lack of a military reciprocal response to the Russian expansionist model to counter the NATO (in other words, USA) security agenda, above all, raises the question of whether we are going to have another Afghanistan in American politics or not. In other words, is US policy seeking to extend the pattern of Afghanization to other parts of the world to commence destabilization of Europe?

Russia Is Ready To Replace France In West Africa

Finally, France will be leaving Mali, nearly a decade after the original military intervention in 2013. The repercussions of this decision will hardly be confined to this West African nation, but will likely spread to the entirety of the Sahel Region; in fact, the whole of Africa.

The Ukrainian War In The Economic Arena – Analysis

War, as well as causing death and destruction, is harmful to economies: it destroys physical and human capital, increases uncertainty and stifles investment and consumption. But in addition to the direct economic impact of the war in Ukraine –which will bring both the Ukrainian and, owing to Western sanctions, the Russian economies to a shuddering halt– one must also mention the unclear effect of turbulence in the fuel and raw materials markets, with fallout that is still very uncertain for Europe, as well as the impact of other economic measures that may be adopted in the future if the conflict persists. All this will steer the world economy, in the best-case scenarios, towards lower growth and greater inflation; and, in the worst case scenario, to an acute stalling of growth that could turn into a recession in many European countries (and elsewhere) owing to shocks in the financial and commodity markets.

Bellingcat’s Grozev on Investigating Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

  1. Strong Focus on Data

“Information is often valuable, but you need to net it out of the agenda, of the noise, and find the valuable information,” Grozev said. He explained that this is why Bellingcat’s work is data-focused rather than based on sources, as sources often have agendas. Before the war, Grozev’s team received tip-offs about what was going to happen. As these were unverified claims from sources, they didn’t publish them, but they gave them some hints about the situation in the Kremlin.

Investigating Russia Around the World: A GIJN Instant Toolkit

Russia’s war against Ukraine has sparked an explosion of interest in what Moscow is up to around the world. With that in mind, GIJN has assembled a kind of starter-toolkit to help journalists track Russian assets, political interference, and disinformation in their countries. From oligarch planes to sanctions trackers, you’ll find over 30 useful sites here. We’ve also included some of the best tools we’ve seen for following Russia’s war on Ukraine. This is a work-in-progress, so be sure to send us your comments and additions.