Korpus potrzebuje rąk

NATO, idąc do przodu z rozeznaniem zagrożeń, zawsze stawia o dwa kroki za mało. Nie z braku odwagi, ale z wewnętrznej różnicy interesów.

Nie przyłączę się do chóru entuzjastów ustaleń madryckiego szczytu NATO. Owszem, nie zapiszę się też do klubu tych, którzy całkowicie lekceważą postanowienia, jakie tam zapadły. Ale mimo wszystko „najpotężniejszy sojusz wojskowy w historii” stać na jeszcze więcej.

Madrid sonrası yeni NATO, Batı’nın ayrık otu Türkiye

Erdoğan, Türkiye’nin “Batı ve Rusya arasında” denge politikası sürdürmeye devam edeceğini söyledi. 2022 NATO Stratejik Konsepti’nden sonra bu mümkün değil, olamaz… Türkiye, yeni Avrupa Güvenlik Mimarisi gibi tarihi bir gelişmenin önüne geçebilir miydi? Bundan sonra geçebilir mi?

Yes, Nato has a new vitality. But its united front could collapse when it has to deal with Russia

Most summits bill themselves as “historic” and those who attend invariably talk about “forging a new consensus”. But Nato’s Madrid summit can credibly make such claims, for there is no question that a military alliance that only a few years ago was famously dismissed by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, as “brain dead” has regained vitality and reaffirmed its strategic purpose.

PA official tells ‘Post’ the Palestinians’ 5 demands for Biden

The Palestinian Authority told the Post they want Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid to meet with PA President Mahmoud Abbas as soon as possible.

The Palestinian leadership will present five demands to US President Joe Biden during his upcoming visit to the region, senior Palestinian Foreign Ministry official Ahmed al-Deek told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

The ‘Two-State Solution’ to Destroy Israel

The vast majority of the Palestinians, however, make it abundantly clear that they do not believe in the “two-state solution” and would rather see Hamas, the Iranian-backed terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel, replace the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas.