Le Tchad et le Niger promettent un nouveau souffle pour le G5 Sahel malgré le départ du Mali

Arrivé mardi 12 juillet et reparti mercredi 13 juillet au soir, le président du Niger Mohamed Bazoum, était à Ndjamena pour « une visite de travail et d’amitié ». C’est son deuxième séjour au Tchad depuis sa prise de fonctions. Lors d’une conférence de presse tenue à la présidence tchadienne mercredi 13 juillet, lui et son homologue tchadien Mahamat Idriss Déby ont longuement abordé la lutte contre le terrorisme dans la région, le retrait du Mali du G5 Sahel et la transition tchadienne.

La France souhaite donner un nouveau souffle à sa stratégie au Sahel

Les ministres français des Affaires étrangères, Catherine Colonna, et celui des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu, se rendent, jeudi et vendredi, au Niger, pour définir une nouvelle stratégie militaire de la France au Sahel après le retrait des troupes françaises du Mali, à l’heure où les attaques terroristes se multiplient.

Is Syrian government withdrawing from Tal Rifaat in favor of Turkey?

FSA forces are carrying out military maneuvers in preparation for the battle against Kurdish forces in Tal Rifaat, while Turkey is bringing in more reinforcements.

The Tal Rifaat Military Council affiliated with the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions has recently been carrying out military drills, using military vehicles and heavy machine guns in preparation for a Turkish military operation in the city that is controlled by Kurdish forces.

Iraqi prime minister sets objectives for regional summit

Amid longstanding political deadlock and economic and environmental challenges, Iraqi prime minister Mustafa Kadhimi is attending the GCC +3 Summit in Saudi Arabia.

Iraq announced officially today that it will participate in the GCC+3 Summit on Saturday, July 16. The summit includes the leaders of the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, as well as US President Joe Biden.

Biden, Lapid sign Jerusalem Declaration

While the document lays out a platform for continued US-Israeli cooperation, there are still signs the two are divided on diplomacy with Tehran.

The press conference that followed the signing of a joint declaration on US-Israeli strategic cooperation by President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid Thursday exposed the divide between the two leaders on the Iranian nuclear file.

How to rescue and rebuild the US-Saudi relationship

When he arrives in Riyadh this week, US President Joe Biden is poised to finally end the purgatory in which the US-Saudi relationship has languished since his inauguration. To many Americans, meaningful engagement with the Saudi government remains anathema given Saudi Arabia’s heavy-handed prosecution of the war in Yemen and the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, both of which generated rare bipartisan condemnation. These events are stark reminders that whatever social progress Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) has brought to his kingdom, the trademark characteristics of Saudi autocracy remain prominent.