Iran’s President: No Way Back to Nuclear Deal if Probe Continues

During a news conference, Ebrahim Raisi issued threats against Israel and warned that no nuclear deal will materialize unless the international agents stop their probe into uranium particles found at Iranian sites

Iran’s president warned Monday that any roadmap to restore Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers must see international inspectors end their probe on man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country.

As Millions Suffer, the US Needs to End the Collective Punishment of the Afghan People

A year has now passed since the tumultuous U.S. withdrawal from decades of war and occupation in Afghanistan.

With the Taliban functionally in charge, the country faces a deteriorating humanitarian crisis and economic collapse. But instead of taking action to promote stability and reinvigorate the economy, the U.S. has made it worse and penalized innocent, ordinary Afghans.

Israel Has Seized 300 Illegal Weapons, Over 2,100 Kg of Drugs This Year at Borders With Egypt, Jordan

Israel has seized an estimated 300 illegal weapons and over 2,100 kilograms of drugs crossing over the Egyptian and Jordanian border so far in 2022, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Some 18 attempts to smuggle ammunition were thwarted at the Jordanian border compared to the 21 smugglings that were thwarted in 2020 and 2021 together.

Revived Nuclear Deal Close but New Round of Talks ‘Inevitable’: Iranian Lawmaker

Fada-Hossein Maleki, a senior Iranian legislator, said Saturday that although Iran and the P5+1 countries that are party to the Vienna talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal are close to reaching an agreement, a new round of talks is necessary to close the deal, the Iran Front Page news website reported. Maleki, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said, “The United States has given a response that will make a new round of talks inevitable.”

Images show heavy damage to Syrian weapons base in airstrike attributed to Israel

Satellite photos reveal destruction at Scientific Studies and Research Center in Masyaf; firefighting planes try to bring blaze under control two days after attack

Satellite images obtained by The Times of Israel on Saturday showed heavily damaged structures at a Syrian weapons base near the northwestern city of Masyaf in a Thursday airstrike attributed to Israel.

Mossad chief to visit Washington as Israel steps up efforts to reshape Iran deal

Lapid calls for US to lay down a ‘credible military threat’ to force a better agreement; violence is ‘the language Iran understands,’ senior government official says

Mossad chief David Barnea will travel to Washington next week as part of Israel’s intensifying efforts to shape the emerging nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, which in its current form both Barnea and senior government figures have lambasted as a bad deal.

Tehran Debates the Bomb

Interestingly, none of the problems that nation-states might have with one another, problems such as border disputes, competition for sources of raw materials and markets, water-sharing disputes, irredentism, maltreatment of kith-and-kin, and bitter historic memories, exist between Iran and Israel.

Migrants at the mercy of Morocco’s iron fist

The tragic death of 37 migrants in Melilla underlines the Moroccan regime’s authoritarian security policy.

On 24 June, around 2 000 sub-Saharan African migrants, who had gathered the night before in north-eastern Morocco, set off at dawn to cross the border and reach the Spanish city of Melilla, about 4 km away.

Can Nigeria finance its war against insurgents?

The revenue crunch will make it difficult to counter the surge in violence from Boko Haram and other groups.

Nigeria now spends more than it earns just to service its debt – a crisis that raises serious concerns about the government’s ability to finance public infrastructure, civil service salaries, education and healthcare. It also has dire implications for the protracted war against the Boko Haram insurgency.