Ukraine launches counteroffensive, breaks through Russian front line in Kherson

Ukraine launched a long-awaited counteroffensive in the Russian-occupied Kherson region Monday, breaking through Russia’s front line in the southeastern Ukraine oblast, its military said in a statement Monday.

“Ukraine has a brilliant chance to reclaim its territories,” the Ukraine military’s Operational Command South said in a statement Monday.

Kosovo – vulcanul nestins al Balcanilor

„Balcanii produc mai multă istorie decât sunt în stare să consume’’ – spunea Winston Churchill, vorbe care și acum sunt actuale din moment ce la o sută de kilometri de România sentimentul de ură este la fel de pregnant ca în urmă cu zeci și chiar sute de ani.

Με το φυσικό αέριο ποντάρουμε σε λάθος άλογο

Αυτή τη φορά έλειψαν οι ενθουσιασμοί και οι μεγαλόστομες ανακοινώσεις για τις ποσότητες φυσικού αερίου που περιέχει ο «Κρόνος». Ίσως γιατί έχουμε κουραστεί να ακούμε για φυσικό αέριο και φυσικό αέριο να μην βλέπουμε.

Are we sleepwalking into an energy crisis?

Most people are fully aware of the impact of inflation on their everyday shopping experience. Yet, few worry too much about the eerie normality at the fuel stations when they fill up their cars. Similarly, electricity bills are priced the same as before the pandemic and before the turmoil in the international gas and oil markets caused by the Ukraine war.