Did sanctions really hurt the Russian economy?

Six months after the Kremlin sent troops into Ukraine, the Russian economy finds itself at a crossroads.

Sanctions have noticeably complicated life for Alexander, a 23-year-old art museum worker from Moscow. Surging prices have forced him to cut back his spending and explore getting a side job to help pay the bills. At the same time, finding certain goods that he once took for granted, such as furniture and other household items, has become a far more cumbersome process.

Renforcer la stratégie sahélienne de contre-insurrection

L’adaptation des structures des forces sahéliennes à des unités plus légères, plus mobiles et plus intégrées permettra de mieux soutenir les pratiques de contre-insurrection centrées sur la population, nécessaires pour inverser la trajectoire croissante des attaques extrémistes violentes.

Quelle place pour la sobriété dans nos modes de vie ?

Changement climatique, déclin rapide et massif des espèces, recul continu du jour du dépassement, accroissement des inégalités… À mesure que les signaux d’alerte sociaux et environnementaux se multiplient, nos modes de développement apparaissent de plus en plus incompatibles avec un avenir positif et durable.

Why does Kherson matter?

Ukraine’s southern offensive marks a new phase of the war

On february 24th the Russian army invaded Ukraine. It quickly became bogged down around Kyiv, the capital, but within a week it had captured its first major city: Kherson, the capital of the southern province of the same name. Kherson has been occupied ever since. On the night of August 28th Ukraine launched an offensive towards the city, declaring that “the battle for Kherson has begun.” It is too early to judge how successful these attacks have been. But why does the region matter?

У вас фронт посыпался

У Украины нет бронетехники для масштабного наступления на юге, но российская армия уже готова бежать

Вчера началось событие, которое давно можно было предсказать, и предсказывал его, в частности, Алексей Арестович: российский фронт под Херсоном посыпался.

O introducere în economia orwelliană: Sărăcia este Abundență, Datoria este Creștere, Consumul este Producție, Recesiunea este Depresie!

Definițiile cuvintelor sunt absolut esențiale, deoarece dacă nu înțelegem exact și precis ce înseamnă cuvintele, nu putem comunica între noi. Schimbarea subtilă și în timp a definițiilor nu poate duce decât la o lipsă de înțelegere și la confuzie. Acest lucru echivalează cu o putere, indiferent de unde provine, care încurajează idiocrația generalizată.