Etiketiranje Giorgie Meloni s fašistko je pretiravanje, četudi je njena stranka zelo desna, nacionalistična in z močno socialno agendo.

Zmaga desne koalicije na italijanskih parlamentarnih volitvah, prejela je okoli 44 odstotkov glasov, ne prinaša sprememb le v Italiji, saj najbolj desne vlade po drugi svetovni vojni ne bo čutiti le doma, ampak verjetno tudi širše, v Evropski uniji in zvezi Nato. Največ zaslug za to ima vsekakor karizmatična Giorgina Meloni. Izkoristila je težnjo precejšnjega dela italijanskih volivcev po spremembah in novem obrazu. Slovencem se to zdi zelo znano, mar ne?

Did Russia sabotage its own pipelines?

Putin has been steadily seeking to up the ante on the West

It almost seems worthy of the opening scene in a Bond film. Vital Russian gas pipelines running beneath the Baltic Sea close to Denmark and Sweden are the victims of sabotage. The two countries have warned of leaks from both Nord Stream 1 and 2 after seismologists suggested there had been underwater explosions. No one wants to claim credit for the deed – yet. Who is the Blofeld behind this dastardly scheme?

Attack on Burkina Faso convoy kills 11 soldiers

The vehicles, which were escorted by a military patrol, had been taking supplies to residents in the north of the country.

Burkina Faso’s government says 11 soldiers were found dead and around 50 civilians are missing following a suspected jihadist attack on a convoy.

The New Energy Order

How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation.

Iran’s Crisis of Legitimacy

An Embattled Regime Faces Mass Protests—and an Ailing Supreme Leader

Early this month, the Iranian rumor mill cranked into overdrive amid reports that Iran’s 83-year-old supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who survived prostate cancer surgery in 2014, was again gravely ill. On September 16, the New York Times reported that emergency bowel surgery had left Khamenei bedridden and too frail to sit upright, citing four anonymous sources said to be “familiar with his health situation.” In the wilder corners of Persian-language social media, claims that Khamenei was on his deathbed gave way to speculation that he had already died. As has happened for more than a decade, such rumors quickly morphed into feverish conjecture about how Iran’s Assembly of Experts, the body of 88 Islamic jurists who choose the supreme leader, would select Khamenei’s successor and lively debate over the relative merits of the clerics jockeying for the role.

Northern Syria: Turkish Shelling Kills 2, Injures 8, Russian Airstrikes Injure Others

Two people were killed and eight were wounded on Tuesday by Turkish artillery targeting homes and workshops controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the countryside of Syria’s northern province of Hasakah, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported. SDF retaliated by shelling villages controlled by Turkish troops and Turkish-allied rebel forces in Hasakah, the London-based war monitor Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

L’insurrection islamiste aux portes de Bamako

La violence des groupes islamistes militants s’accélère au Mali. Une insurrection complexe avance dans le nord, le centre et de plus en plus dans le sud du pays, menaçant sa stabilité.

La situation sécuritaire s’est fortement détériorée au Mali depuis la prise du pouvoir par la junte militaire en août 2020. En effet, les groupes islamistes militants menacent maintenant Bamako.

Europe’s Unsolved Energy Puzzle

How the Quest for Resources Has Shaped the Continent

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine has laid bare some uncomfortable truths about Europe’s energy future. For one thing, it has demolished the presumption in Germany that Russia would be a reliable fossil fuel partner. The war has also blown apart Europe’s claim to moral leadership on climate change. At the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in the fall of 2021, the European Union unsuccessfully demanded that China and India commit to a timetable for phasing out coal. Now that demand appears almost hypocritical, because countries such as Germany are keeping open coal-fired power stations that were due to close to deal with their present energy woes. In doing so, these leaders have demonstrated that coal is still the primary energy source of last resort for generating electricity.

What Mobilization Means for Russia

The End of Putin’s Bargain With the People

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization” intended to shore up his faltering war against Ukraine. The pretense that there is anything partial about this move, however, is about as convincing as Putin’s claim that Russia is merely carrying out a “special military operation” in Ukraine. After Putin’s announcement, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that 300,000 men with military backgrounds would be drafted. But some reports indicate that is not the number stated in official documents authorizing the mobilization, and the parts of Putin’s decree that were made public do not include any restrictions on the Defense Ministry’s authorization to draft people. According to some reports, as many as one million men might be conscripted, and some military commissariats already appear to be drafting men indiscriminately.