Radicalized on the Net? Albanian Plumber Charged With ‘Jihadist Propaganda’

Did social networks change a young plumber from normal Muslim believer to radical Islamist – or are Albania’s authorities over-reacting to a non-existent threat?

At sunset on August 2, Bledar Zeneli and his father were attending the Aksham Namaz, one of five daily prayers of Muslim believers, when police came knocking at the door of their home in a newly developed area on the outskirts of Durres, Albania second largest town and main seaport.

Tigré: Washington suspend l’expulsion des migrants éthiopiens

Les Ethiopiens n’avaient jusqu’ici jamais bénéficié de ce statut, contrairement aux Soudanais.

Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé vendredi octroyer à tous les Ethiopiens présents sur leur sol un statut qui protège de l’expulsion et autorise à travailler, en raison “du conflit armé” et de “la crise humanitaire” dans leur pays.

L’influence russe en Afrique fait débat au Parlement allemand

La Russie mène une campagne de désinformation très ciblée en Afrique afin de discréditer les partenaires occidentaux, estiment des parlementaires.

Les parlementaires de la CDU-CSU mettent en garde : l’influence de la Russie en Afrique a augmenté de manière significative au cours des dernières années. Un engagement qui se fait souvent de manière dissimulée par le biais de représentants comme le groupe de mercenaires Wagner.

Syrian jihadist group HTS, armed groups agree to uneasy truce

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has seized several cities and towns in areas under the control of the Turkish-backed factions after days of clashes between rival factions.

Areas controlled by the Syrian National Army (SNA) — which is affiliated with the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) — in the eastern and northern countrysides of Aleppo witnessed violent confrontations in recent days between factions belonging to the SNA.

Islamic State regains momentum in Syria’s Kurdish areas

The Islamic State has launched several attacks against the Kurdish-led forces in northeast Syria amid lax security by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The Islamic State has recently renewed its activities in the areas under the control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeast Syria.

Iran protests continue in universities

Protests in Iran have continued to spread to universities, presenting a new challenge to the Islamic Republic.

The protests in Iran that started in mid-September over the death of a young woman in police custody have spread to universities, which have been a historic hotbed of unrest in the country during times of upheaval.

What Iranians Want From Washington

[W]e also know that Henry Kissinger, peddler of detente, helped prolong the evil empire’s life by providing it with easy credit and undeserved prestige.

In the case of Iran, Obama and his entourage invented a false choice between “doing another Iraq”, which meant a full-scale invasion that a majority of Americans wouldn’t support, or putting a moribund regime on life-support in the hope it might stop mumbling “Death to America!”

Putin’s Winter Offensive – OpEd

Ukrainian gains on the battlefield have been met by a widely-anticipated Russian escalation. On September 21, in a rare national address, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilsation of 300,000 reservists who would be called to serve in the war in Ukraine.