Masacre, jafuri, violuri și niciun ajutor pentru autorități – cum a „menținut pacea” în Mali grupul de mercenari Wagner

Mercenarii din gruparea militară privată Wagner, trimiși oficial în Mali pentru menținerea păcii, au comis, în primul an petrecut în statul african, crime în masă, violuri, jafuri și atacuri asupra civililor, arată un raport întocmit de analiștii implicați în proiectul All Eyes on Wagner (AEOW), scrie publicația rusă independentă Meduza.

Russie-Ukraine : des eurodéputés veulent sanctionner Alger

Dix-sept députés européens demandent à Ursula von der Leyen et à l’Union européenne de réviser l’Accord d’association avec l’Algérie, au motif qu’elle apporterait un « soutien politique, logistique et financier » à la Russie dans la guerre contre l’Ukraine.

Boko Haram fighters kill 10 Chadian soldiers near Nigeria border

Boko Haram militants killed at least 10 Chadian soldiers in an attack on a military unit in Lake Chad province near the Nigerian border on Tuesday, Chad’s government said in a statement.

The unit had been dispatched as a precursor to setting up an army post on the island of Bouka-Toullorom, between the villages of Ngouboua and Kaiga, where Boko Haram has carried out several offensives in recent years.

Mali bans French NGOs as diplomatic row deepens

Mali’s junta announced on Monday a ban on the activities of NGOs funded or supported by France, including humanitarian groups, amid a worsening row between Paris and Bamako.

The West African nation’s interim Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga justified the move in a statement on social media, calling it a response to France’s recent halt to development aid for Mali.

Turkey strikes near US base in Syria after Pentagon calls for de-escalation

The US military says it opposes Ankara’s plans to send ground troops against Syria’s Kurds, but it has stood down in the face of similar attacks in the past.

A suspected Turkish drone strike hit a Kurdish-led militia base in northeast Syria on Tuesday, killing two members of a local US-backed Syrian counterterrorism unit and wounding three others, spokespeople for the group told Al-Monitor.

Iran deploys heavy weaponry to crush Kurdish protests

The Iranian government’s escalating violence against protesters in Kurdish cities has led to chains of funerals.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) deployed helicopters and rows of military vehicles and machine guns to the Kurdish city of Javanroud as part of its clampdown on anti-government protests that have gripped the country since mid-September.

Libya Continuing to Unravel as Concerns Mount Over a Return to Civil War

Libya continues to backslide to the brink of renewed civil conflict as various political leaders seek to obstruct U.N. efforts to forge a unified political structure and hold national elections.

The United Nations envoy to Libya has warned that continued stalemate could raise the possibility of a partition.