MEI’s 11th Annual Turkey Conference
December 16, 2022
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
National Press Club
529 14th St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20045 (Map)
December 16, 2022
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
National Press Club
529 14th St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20045 (Map)
On October 23, 2022, the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in northeastern Syria, which controls parts of the Hasakah, Deir Al-Zour, Al-Raqqah and Aleppo governorates, issued a memo to all the education committees in the areas under its control specifying a dress code and other guidelines for the local schools. In addition to banning cellphones in the classroom and mandating school uniforms, the memo bans wearing the niqab (a veil that covers the entire face, except for the eyes) on campus.[1]
Several areas of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq were targeted overnight after an IRGC commander warned of possible ground invasion and the Iranian ambassador set out demands.
A massive orange fireball lit up the sky in an area outside the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on the night of Nov. 20-21, as sirens sounded at the US Consulate within the city itself.
Iran is increasingly worried over Azerbaijani and Turkish geopolitical gains in the region as calls for “Greater Azerbaijan” push a hot button in Tehran.
Tensions are rising between Iran and Azerbaijan over Baku’s plans for a land connection to its exclave of Nakhchivan via Armenian territory, threatening to undermine Turkish-Iranian ties as well.
Fears are rising in Syria’s Kurdish-controlled northeast over a potential military incursion by Turkey.
Turkey launched airstrikes on Syria’s majority-Kurdish region on Saturday night in apparent retaliation for a bombing that struck a crowded market in Istanbul last week.
Syrian Kurdish officials reported strikes in the areas of Kobani, Derik, Darbasiyah and Ayn Issa, key cities along the border between Syria’s northeastern autonomous region and Turkey.
As the dust settles from airstrikes on Kurdish militants in Syria and Iraq, Turkey is threatening a wider operation in the region.
For months Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to “come suddenly in the night” for Kurdish militants on Turkey’s southern border. On Saturday night, scores of F-16 fighter jets and drones did exactly that.
Hamas leaders [who have relocated to Doha]… are using Qatar as a base for calling for the destruction of Israel. Yet this does not seem to bother the rulers of Qatar or its allies in the West, including the US.
This is the same Qatar whose leaders claim that they condemn all acts of terrorism and violent extremism.
It is disquieting, to say the least, that a county that hosts the leadership of a Palestinian group that carried out thousands of terror attacks against Israel is talking about Qatar’s desire to help eliminate terrorism and extremism.
Mass-media a construit o narațiune despre “războiul lui Putin” care ascunde expansiunea imperialistă a Americii în Europa de Est. Este un efort complet orwellian de a proiecta asupra Rusiei ceea ce SUA și principalul său aliat imperial, Marea Britanie (pe care un jurnalist britanic a descris-o drept “remorcherul Americii”), fac în mod continuu din 1945 – de fapt, de secole.
Autoritățile ucrainene au îndemnat conducerea de la Tbilisi să deschidă un „al doilea front” împotriva Rusiei, a declarat premierul georgian, Irakli Garibașvili, în cadrul unei intervenții în Parlamentul țării. Potrivit precizărilor sale, opoziția georgiană a susținut solicitările Kievului.
Cei mai mulți oameni sunt nedumeriți de ceea ce pare a fi o criză energetică globală: prețurile la petrol, gaze și cărbune au explodat simultan, forțând chiar închiderea unor mari uzine industriale, cum ar fi cele chimice, de aluminiu și oțel.