Putin Putting In Place ‘Mechanism For Permanent War’ – OpEd

Anatoly Nesmiyan, who blogs under the screen name “El Murid,” says that Putin is putting in place “a mechanism for conducting permanent war since his regime cannot exist in a peaceful form” and must find enemies in order to justify the kind of rule the Kremlin leader prefers in Russia.

Swiss Host Secret Talks Between Serbia And Kosovo

Switzerland has been hosting discreet meetings between officials of Kosovo and Serbia in an effort to defuse tensions in the Balkan region.

A stand-off has developed in northern Kosovo with its Serbian neighbours as an incident over car number plates has escalated.

Kosovas precedents

Kārtējo reizi saasinoties spriedzei etnisko serbu apdzīvotajos Kosovas ziemeļos, Kosovas vadība oficiāli paziņoja par pieteikuma dalībai Eiropas Savienībā (ES) nosūtīšanu uz Briseli. Paralēli Eiropas Parlaments (EP) un ES šobrīd prezidējošā valsts Čehija vienojās par atbalstu bezvīzu režīma ar Kosovu ieviešanai, kas gan iespējams tikai ar visu ES dalībvalstu piekrišanu.

US army steals new shipment of Syrian oil as Damascus works to protect wheat resources

Damascus says Washington and its Kurdish proxy militias are responsible for plundering 80 percent of Syria’s daily oil output, and are also working to damage the nation’s vast wheat fields

The US occupation army smuggled a new shipment of stolen Syrian oil from Hasakah governorate on 12 December, transferring a convoy of at least 37 tankers to Iraq via the illegal al-Mahmoudiya border crossing, according to local sources in the town of Yarubiyah who spoke with SANA.

Turkish police captures 44 suspected Mossad agents in Istanbul

The work of Israeli spy networks reportedly allowed the Mossad to launch online defamation campaigns and threats against Palestinians working and studying in Turkiye

Istanbul police and the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) on 14 December announced the arrest of 44 people suspected of leaking information about Palestinian expatriates in Turkiye to the Mossad.

A US tool against Iran: Kurdish militancy on the Iran-Iraq border

US and Israeli-backed armed Kurdish separatists on the Iraqi border have participated in every incident of Iranian domestic strife, from 2009 to 2022.

After hours of traveling around the Iraqi border between the autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and Iran, you will come to a single conclusion: “This is a one-sided border.”

Stolen Syrian oil: The fuel for Syria’s partition

In July 2021, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin described the US theft of oil from the areas it occupies in eastern Syria as “bandit behavior.” The same term was previously used by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and other officials in statements denouncing Washington’s violation of Syria’s sovereignty.

Xi of Arabia and the petroyuan drive

Xi Jinping has made an offer difficult for the Arabian Peninsula to ignore: China will be guaranteed buyers of your oil and gas, but we will pay in yuan.

It would be so tempting to qualify Chinese President Xi Jinping landing in Riyadh a week ago, welcomed with royal pomp and circumstance, as Xi of Arabia proclaiming the dawn of the petroyuan era.