Protests expand against SDF and US occupation in Syria

According to the Syrian news agency SANA, demonstrations against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US occupation in Syria continue to grow.

The protests, which are still ongoing on 27 December, demand the expulsion of US forces and their regional allies from the Deir Ezzor province.

Iran will receive dozens of Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets

Experts say US sanctions failed to reach their ultimate objective of forcing Iran into major political and military concessions

The Islamic Republic of Iran will receive an entire squadron of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia as Tehran and Moscow strengthen their defense and economic collaboration in defiance of broad sanctions and coercive measures, Al-Manar news reported on 28 December.

Iran, China fix diplomatic blunder following Xi’s Saudi visit

Tehran takes a hard stand as Xi Jinping discovers the Persian Gulf can be a diplomatic minefield.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the first Chinese Consulate-General in Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas on 21 December, Ambassador Chang Hua affirmed China’s support for Iran’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Woman, Life, Freedom…and NATO

A superpower in decline still retains a vast appetite for irregular, proxy warfare to slow down the imminent multipolar order. Iran, Russia, China are its big targets and all tools will be employed.

To maintain its global hegemony in the face of a rapidly emerging multipolar world, the US seeks to restrict the redistribution of power in all regions where its clout is foundering.

South Caucasus: A battle of wills and corridors

On 12 December, under the pretext of environmentalism, dozens of state-backed “eco-activists” from Azerbaijan blocked the only land corridor connecting Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh.

The blockade created a humanitarian crisis for the 120,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh, cutting them off from the outside world. This is not the first time Baku has taken such a provocative action. Azerbaijan has long been pushing for the creation of the “Zangezur corridor” to connect itself to close ally Turkiye through southern Armenia, thereby cutting off the strategic Armenia-Iran border.

Le vrai statut de l’Union européenne

Des documents d’archives publiés en 2012 confirment l’organisation de la Seconde Guerre mondiale par, non seulement les industriels et banquiers allemands, mais également par les banquiers états-uniens et britanniques, couverts par le président Franklin Roosevelt et le Premier ministre Neville Chamberlain, dans l’espoir de détruire l’URSS.

Le monde de 2030 : L’effort multidimensionnel de l’Algérie pour rejoindre les BRICS


Nous arrivons à la fin d’un cycle dominé par les pays occidentaux qui, pendant cinq siècles à des degrés divers, ont « formaté » le monde. Comme tous les grands ensembles, vient un moment où les empires s’affaissent. L’histoire est pleine de récits grandioses où les pays occidentaux actuels sont des nains juchés sur des épaules de ces géants. Le monde multipolaire est en train d’émerger dans la douleur. Les BRICS seront, d’une certaine façon, le garant d’une multipolarité notamment avec le retour du président brésilien Lula l’un des concepteurs il y a douze ans du concept de BRICS. Dans ce cadre, l’Algérie devra se déterminer, l’approche de s’accrocher à la locomotive des BRICS est assurément porteuse d’espérances. Cela ne sera pas facile, car il nous faudra penser avec les outils du XXIe siècle. Les critères d’admissibilité ne seront pas simples à franchir ; c’est un travail sur plusieurs années avec une mobilisation tous azimuts, sciences, économie et même culture et sociologie pour s’imprégner de la façon de concevoir des futurs partenaires de l’Algérie.

Turkey’s Grey Wolves Organization – An Arm Of President Erdoğan’s Governing Coalition – Fights In Syria, Azerbaijan, Praises Chechen Terrorist Shamil Basayev, Runs Branches In U.S., Europe

This report will review some of the history and ideology of the Turkish organization Ülkü Ocakları (“Idealist Hearths”) also known as the Bozkurtlar (“Grey Wolves”) before examining the actions of its leadership and members as recorded in open sources. These activities include: fighting in Syria and Azerbaijan outside of conventional Turkish military forces; praising those killed from official organization outlets; shipments of supplies to armed groups in Syria; and praise from official outlets for Shamil Basayev, a chechen terrorist leader who directed dozens of attacks in Russia that killed hundreds of civilians. The Ülkü Ocakları is an arm of the Milliyetçi Halk Partisi (MHP), which is the smaller of two parties in a coalition governing the country, the other being President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s AKP.

Following Killing Of Al-Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri – From The MEMRI JTTM Archives: ‘The Coded Messages Of Ayman Al-Zawahiri’ And ‘Ayman Muhammad Rabi’ Al-Zawahiri’ – Biography And Background – By MEMRI Senior Analyst Emeritus Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli

Following the July 31, 2022 killing of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, we are republishing two archival MEMRI JTTM reports by MEMRI senior analyst Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli. The first report, from 2005, focuses on information found on Al-Zawahiri’s computer after it was seized in an October 2001 raid on Al-Qaeda’s offices in Kabul, which concerned, inter alia, his clandestine activity in Afghanistan. The second report, from 2002, gives information on his background and his rise to prominence.