Bosnia: Governing Coalition Cracks Only 20 Days After Formation

Bosnia’s ten-party state-level coalition government lost two member parties on Thursday, only 20 days after it was formed in mid-December. 

The Party for BiH and People’s European Alliance, NES, both from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the larger of Bosnia’s two entities, quit the coalition demanding retraction of a new law on state property adopted by the assembly of Republika Srpska, the country’s other entity, on December 28. 

Head of Negotiating Body Reveals Details Syrian Opposition Meeting with Turkish Foreign Ministry

Turkey told the opposition its meetings with the Syrian regime did not address the issue of Idleb, according to Baladi News.

The head of the Syrian Negotiation Commission, Badr Jamous, said on Tuesday that the Syrian opposition delegation requested a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu because of “blaming the Syrians”. He stressed that the Syrian opposition did not meet with regime officials outside the framework of Astana and Geneva. 

Residents of Aleppo’s Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud Pay for Conflict Between PKK and 4th Division

The fourth division is feuding with the PKK over the quantities of fuel that reach Aleppo, according to Shaam Network.

Kurdish media have highlighted the situation of civilians in the Al-Shahba area north of Aleppo and the neighbourhoods of Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo, which are under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Media outlets focused on these areas due to the harsh siege conditions imposed by the regime’s Fourth Division. The siege comes against the backdrop of disputes with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) over the trade of fuel and other commercial commodities.

Конфликт на Украине. Генезис

Олег Нестеренко

Представителям западного сообщества довольно удобно сплотиться вокруг нарративов НАТО о причинах вооруженного конфликта в Украине и не ставить себя в положение дискомфорта сомнений и проверки постулатов, доминирующих общественное мнение.

Chad says it foiled attempt by military to ‘destabilize’ country

Chadian security agencies have foiled a plot by a group of army officers to “destabilize” the country and undermine constitutional order, the government said in a statement on Thursday.

A “restricted group of conspirators” comprising 11 officers led by the head of the Chadian Organization of Human Rights, Baradine Berdei Targuio, were behind the alleged plot, the statement asserted.

Will Pakistan Strike Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan?

As Islamabad increasingly voices concern about the alleged sheltering of a Pakistani insurgent group in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, there is speculation whether the Pakistani military might strike targets in the neighboring country and how that would impact the region’s fragile security.

More Than $3 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces the Biden Administration’s commitment of $3.075 billion in additional security assistance for Ukraine. This includes the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $2.85 billion to meet Ukraine’s critical security and defense needs, as well as the Department of State’s announcement of $225 million in Foreign Military Financing to contribute to the long-term capacity and modernization of Ukraine’s military.


The most defining feature of international terrorism in 2023 will be its diversity, reflected by the broad array of ideologies and grievances motivating plots and attacks.

The challenge of dealing with “everyday extremists” remains, as lone actors influenced by accelerationism and other forms of violent extremism radicalize online and seek to conduct real-world acts of politically and ideologically motivated violence.

Эксперты: «Группу Вагнера» нужно признать международными террористами

Джейсон Блазакис и Тур Буккволл – о наемниках Евгения Пригожина как передовом отряде Кремля в его агрессии против Украины

29 декабря Центр по исследованию коррупции и организованной преступности (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, OCCRP) объявил «персоной года» (то есть, антигероем по версии этой организации) Евгения Пригожина – человека, прозванного «поваром Кремля» и стоящего за множеством темных дел в интересах своего главного клиента, президента России Владимира Путина.