U.S. Strategic Aim: Break and Dismember Russia; Or Maintain U.S. Dollar Hegemony? Or a Muddled ‘Both’?

The West cannot relinquish the sense of itself at the centre of the Universe, albeit no longer in a racial sense, Alastair Crooke writes.

A strategic aim would require a unitary purpose that could be succinctly outlined. It would require additionally a compelling clarity about the means by which the aim would be achieved and a coherent vision about what a successful outcome would actually look like.

Destruction-oriented narratives from nontraditional Islam as a tool of U.S. foreign policy

“Terrorism is when the United States implants a dictatorial regime somewhere, relying on bayonets and using terror against its own people.” Former CIA officer F. Agee.

Intervention in the internal affairs of foreign states became a major direction of U.S. foreign policy soon after the end of World War II. The key instrument for achieving these goals was an agency with virtually unlimited powers, approved under the National Security Act of 1947, called the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

‘Allahu Akbar’ – ‘Allah Is The Greatest’ – A Jihadi Battle Cry


This report will discuss jihadis’ use of the phrase Allahu akbar – meaning “Allah is the greatest” – as a battle cry during terror attacks. This subject has been discussed in previous MEMRI analyses, but there have been many attacks since carried out by jihadis in the West in which this battle cry was repeated.[1] In two recent examples, an Islamist named Trevor Bickford shouted “Allahu akbar” as he lunged at New York Police Department officers with a machete on New Year’s Eve near Times Square,[2] and a man who stabbed six people in a January 11, 2023 attack at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris also shouted the phrase during his attack.[3] This report will provide more than three dozen additional examples from recent years of the use of the term as a jihadi battle cry (see Appendix).

Projets et institutions britanniques intervenant dans les affaires d’autres États

Le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord mérite une attention particulière et des recherches approfondies sur l’organisation et l’exécution d’opérations psychologiques et l’utilisation de technologies de manipulation, car il possède une longue et considérable expérience dans la réalisation de telles actions dans les régions les plus dissemblables du monde.

Appel à la réunion de toutes les résistances

Nous venons d’entrer dans une nouvelle année et, comme il est de coutume, nous nous sommes présentés les uns les autres nos meilleurs vœux. Pourtant le cœur n’y était peut-être pas. Après ce que nous avons subi au cours des trois dernières années, l’année 2023 s’annonce en effet comme celle de tous les dangers – mais aussi heureusement de tous les possibles.

Julani’s Options After Syrian-Turkish Rapprochement

At a time when several Turkish specialists and experts indicate that Syrian-Turkish rapprochement is accelerating remarkably and will soon witness several key changes, the problem remains in the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its leader, Abu Muhammad al-Julani. Not long ago, Julani enjoyed good relations with Turkey and participated in military coordination in northwestern Syria. At the same time, Turkey has introduced measures aimed at containing the opposition – whether military, as represented by the National Army, or political, as represented by the Syrian Opposition Coalition and the Interim Syrian Government. 

Comment le général Soleimani a donné le coup d’envoi du monde multipolaire

Le consensus des historiens du futur sera inévitable : les années 2020 ont commencé par un meurtre diabolique.            

Aéroport de Bagdad, 3 janvier 2020, 00h52 heure locale. L’assassinat du général QassemSoleimani, commandant de la Force Quds du Corps des gardiens de la révolution islamique (CGRI), aux côtés d’Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, commandant adjoint des Hashd al-Sha’abi d’Irak, par des missiles AGM-114 Hellfire à guidage laser lancés depuis deux drones MQ-9 Reaper, était, en fait, un meurtre en tant qu’acte de guerre.

The War Between Wars – OpEd

On the morning of Tuesday, December 20, fighter jets fired missiles at and around Damascus airport, destroying several weapons storage facilities and other infrastructure belonging to Iran’s local proxies.  According to Al Arabiya TV, an anti-aircraft battery positioned near the airport was also struck, shortly after an Iranian plane had landed.  The Syrian authorities hold the Israel Defense Forces responsible for the attack.

Syrians Pay The Price For Iran’s Malign Neglect – OpEd

The Syrian lira is facing turmoil in the foreign exchange market, with the Syrian Central Bank unable to support the currency because of a significant deterioration in its reserves. There are undoubtedly many economic and political reasons for the decline in the bank’s role. Specifically, however, the end of financial support from Iran has put the bank in a state of paralysis.

Difficult Path Ahead For Europe Io Curb Inflation In 2023 – Analysis

Suffering from geopolitical and energy crises, the European economy in 2022 had a hard time when it faced the triple predicaments of high inflation, energy crisis, and economic slowdown. Looking forward to 2023, as the European Central Bank (ECB) continues to push for interest rate hikes, which in turn may cause the European economy to face a long period of difficulty. According to the researchers at ANBOUND, it remains challenging for Europe to resolve the inflation problem, and there is more likelihood for it to fall into stagflation.