Destapan el alcance de las actividades del grupo Wagner en Libia

Nuevas investigaciones revelan la escala de las operaciones de Wagner, un misterioso grupo de mercenarios ruso, en la guerra civil de Libia. Una tableta Samsung recuperada de un campo de batalla al oeste de Libia, que presuntamente habría sido abandonada por uno de los integrantes del grupo, guardaría en su interior datos sobre el auténtico papel de los mercenarios en el marco del conflicto libio, nombres en clave de los combatientes y una “lista de la compra” de equipamiento militar de última generación. Las informaciones que acaban de ver la luz relacionarían al grupo con supuestos crímenes de guerra y desataparía sus vínculos con el ejército ruso. Hasta el momento Rusia continúa negando cualquier vínculo con Wagner.

Libia. El país desmembrado

Libia fue durante décadas un actor africano y árabe a tener en cuenta. Sus recursos y su ubicación, acompañado por un régimen dictatorial ambicioso, forjaron en el país una conciencia nacional capaz de contrarrestar el orden tribal enraizado en las tres regiones históricas del Estado norafricano. Bajo la figura de Muanmar el Gadafi, la Tripolitania, la Cirenaica y el Fezzan mantuvieron una cohesión ficticia, gracias a un sistema de poder central bajo el parapeto de ideologías panárabes y panislamistas.

Neoliberalism and Its Discontents

All through the 1980s and 1990s, professorial mountebanks like James Q. Wilson and Charles Murray grew plump from best sellers about the criminal, probably innate, propensities of the “underclass,” about the pathology of poverty, the teen predators, the collapse of morals, the irresponsibility of teen moms.

Neoliberal Fascism, Cruel Violence, and the Politics of Disposability

The Politics and Culture of Cruelty

Cruelty has always had a special place in fascist politics. Not only did it embody a discourse of hate, bigotry, and censorship, it also initiated a practice of cruel power in order to eradicate those ideas, dissidents, and human beings considered unworthy. Legacies of fascism in Hitler’s Germany, Pinochet’s Chile, Franco’s Spain, and Mussolini’s Italy, among others, mixed a language of dread, fear, and contempt with wide-spread practices of suppression and the repressive power of the state in order to eliminate any just concept of politics and the structural conditions and ideological possibilities for developing civic and democratic communities.

Russian War Report: Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels promote news of TV Rain losing broadcasting license in Latvia

As Russia continues its assault on Ukraine, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) is keeping a close eye on Russia’s movements across the military, cyber, and information domains. With more than seven years of experience monitoring the situation in Ukraine—as well as Russia’s use of propaganda and disinformation to undermine the United States, NATO, and the European Union—the DFRLab’s global team presents the latest installment of the Russian War Report.

EU-Western Balkans: End Of Era Of ‘Courtship’ Of The West – Analysis

The European Union (EU) – Western Balkans Countries summit[2] was organized on 6 December in Tirana. It was an opportunity to discuss joint resolution of the issues that emerged as a consequence of the Russian invasion on Ukraine, intensification of the political dialogue and the enlargement policy, as well as strengthening of the security and building resilience to foreign interference, resolution of challenges posed by migration, fight against terrorism and organized crime. The summit was organized two months after the informal summit of member countries of the European Political Community in Prague, at which all European countries except for Russia and Belarus participated.