NATO Secretary General Meets With Member Of Presidency Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Denis Bećirović, member of the tripartite Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to NATO Headquarters on Monday (16 January 2023).

Mr. Stoltenberg stressed that the stability of the whole region of the Western Balkans is of strategic importance to the Alliance, as mentioned in the Strategic Concept adopted at the Madrid Summit. He encouraged Bosnia and Herzegovina’s leadership to continue focusing on reforms for the benefit of the whole country and to preserve multi-ethnic institutions at all levels. 

RIA Novosti: Prvi dobrovoljci iz Srbije počeli borbenu obuku u regionu Zaporožje (VIDEO)

Prvi srpski dobrovoljci u regionu Zaporožje počeli su da prolaze borbenu obuku u regionu u sklopu Dobrovoljačkog bataljona Sudoplatov, javila je agencija RIA Novosti.

„Srpski dobrovoljci, zajedno sa borcima iz Rusije, učestvuju u svim borbenim vežbama na jednom od terena za obuku regiona Zaporožje za dalje učešće u specijalnoj vojnoj operaciji“, navodi se.

Iran boosts air defense deliveries for Syria: Report

Iran has significantly stepped up its air defense systems deployment to Syria over the past two years, according to a 10 January report released by Newsweek citing an anonymous intelligence official from “a nation allied” with Washington.

As part of this boost in the supply of defense technology to Damascus, the report states that these deliveries include the latest generation of the locally produced Iranian Bavar-373 system and are aimed at helping Syria curb illegal Israeli airstrikes in its territory.

Putin to provide Turkiye with free grain, flour to send to African countries: Erdogan

On 8 January, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkiye is determined to send flour and grain to African states through the Black Sea corridor.

He added that the Russian President Vladimir Putin assured Ankara that Russia would be able to provide grain for free on the condition that it is delivered to underdeveloped countries in Africa.

A Moscow meeting shatters fantasies of a Syrian ‘confederation’

The newly-initiated Syrian-Turkish rapprochement talks are headed in Damascus’ favor and the “Turkish concessions” derided by opponents are just the start, insiders tell The Cradle.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already abandoned his dream of “praying in the Umayyad Mosque” in Damascus. But sources say this will be swiftly followed by further concessions that will throw a wrench into the ambitions of Syria’s opposition factions.

Predictions for 2023? Annus horribilis with some surprising upsides

Predictions are a notoriously painful exercise. In the world of geopolitics, especially during a time of seismic global transformation, they are nigh near impossible to make.

In West Asia, a depressed and neglected region that acts as a punching bag for Great Power competition elsewhere, much relies on the settlement of major power battles in the realms of economy, politics, and (proxy) war.

By the numbers: The de-dollarization of global trade

Data suggests that US dollar reserves in central banks are dwindling, as is the influence of the US on the world economy. This presents a unique opportunity for regional currencies and alternative payment systems to enter the vacuum.

The imposition of US trade restrictions and sanctions against a number of nations, including Russia, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, and Syria have been politically ineffectual and have backfired against western economies. As a result, the US dollar has been losing its role as a major currency for the settlement of international business claims.