Des mercenaires blancs en RDC

Une enquête du quotidien allemand taz évoque des soldats blancs qui auraient pris leur quartier dans un hôtel au centre-ville de Goma, dans l’est du pays.

Le 22 décembre dernier, plusieurs hommes blancs atterrissent à Goma. D’après les recherches de la taz, ces hommes armés, évalués à une centaine, séjournent depuis lors dans un hôtel au centre-ville de Goma, non loin de l’aéroport. 

Burkina Faso : 09 morts dans une attaque terroriste contre une mosquée

Au moins neuf personnes ont été tuées mercredi dans l’attaque d’une mosquée dans le nord-est du Burkina Faso.

Les terroristes sont arrivés peu avant 18H (GMT et locales) dans le village de Goulgountou, près de Falagountou dans la région du Sahel, « sur huit motos », avant de « regrouper les fidèles à l’intérieur de la mosquée », selon un témoin local.

Will A Trillion Dollars Per Year Buy America A Better Defense? – Analysis

The Pentagon had a very merry Christmas but all the American taxpayers got was a lump of coal.

The U.S. Congress passed an omnibus spending bill that awarded the Pentagon $45 billion more than originally requested – a record $816.7 billion dollars – out of $858 billion for the national defense establishment. The Veteran’s Administration, which is really just deferred defense spending, requested $301.4 billion, and the Intelligence Community budget request includes $26.6 billion for the Military Intelligence Program. There’s also probably something squirreled away at the Department of Homeland Security, but you get the picture.

Eni Announces Gas Discovery In Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Offshore Egypt

Eni has announced a significant new gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well located in Nargis Offshore Area Concession, in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt.

The Nargis-1 well has encountered approximately 200 net feet (61 m) of Miocene and Oligocene gas bearing sandstones and was drilled in 1,014 feet (309 m) of water by the Stena Forth drillship. The discovery can be developed leveraging the proximity to Eni’s existing facilities.

Is The Battle For Soledar A ‘Trap’ For Russian Forces? – Analysis

As Moscow’s forces advance, Russia and Ukraine continue to dispute control of the salt-mining town of Soledar amid scenes of devastation and fierce fighting on the front line in eastern Ukraine.

Russia has made multiple claims of control in the past week that have been contested by Ukrainian officials, who maintain their forces have not left the town and continue to fight. Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed on January 13 to have seized Soledar, but the statement was quickly disputed by Kyiv, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy saying the fight for the town and others “in the east of our country continues.”

Why Is Russia Recruiting Former Afghan Soldiers For Its War Against Ukraine? – Analysis

According to multiple reports, Russia is recruiting Afghan security personnel, who were previously trained by the United States, for its war effort against Ukraine. The former Afghan elite commandos and soldiers are reportedly joining the Russian private military company known as the Wagner Group, a private mercenary force playing a prominent role in Moscow’s war against Ukraine—especially in the recent intense fighting around Bakhmut (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, December 27, 2022).

Syrian refugees in Turkey watch uneasily as Erdogan warms to Assad

Syrians in Turkey are wary of losing refuge as the Turkish President eyes dialogue with Assad

Turkey’s bid to reconcile with the Syrian government has left many Syrian refugees in the country on tenterhooks as Ankara faces pressure to cut a deal with Damascus on the return of the Syrians amid rising anti-refugee sentiment in a critical election year.

Economists Say Global Recession Likely In 2023, But Pressures On Food, Energy And Inflation May Be Peaking

A majority of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Chief Economists expect a global recession in 2023, see geopolitical tensions continuing to shape the global economy, and anticipate further monetary tightening in the United States and Europe. These are the key findings of the Chief Economists Outlook, launched Monday at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.