Théorie de l’arc de crise : géopolitique et géostratégie

Les deux guerres en cours ont des origines différentes et lointaines.

Les causes de la guerre russo-ukrainienne, si l’on se limite au contexte régional, remontent aux émeutes de l’Euromaïdan de novembre il y a dix ans, à l’annexion ultérieure de la Crimée par la Russie, aux politiques anti-russophones mises en œuvre dans le Donbass par Kiev et les républiques séparatistes autoproclamées de Donetsk et de Louhansk. En revanche, le conflit israélo-palestinien, si l’on ne considère que la portée régionale, remonte à la guerre civile de juin 2007, lorsque le Hamas est parvenu à prendre le contrôle total de la bande de Gaza.

A new front emerges with Iran’s growing threat to Israel and Jordan – opinion

As Israel fights Iran’s proxies in Gaza and Lebanon, Iran’s efforts to destabilize the region could open another dangerous front in the east.

As Israel’s military campaign against the proxies of the Islamic Republic of Iran succeeds, and the scope of potential attack of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Israel in the South and the North becomes narrower, there is a growing probability that the latter will activate additional fronts that have not yet been exhausted.

Why UNRWA’s continued existence threatens Israel’s security post-October 7 – opinion

UNRWA poses a critical threat to Israel’s security, fueling conflict and empowering terror groups like Hamas.

UNRWA [The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East] poses an existential threat to the State of Israel. It was first created to undermine the legitimacy of Israel’s very existence and has since manufactured and continues to perpetuate the baseless and fictional “right of return” for people who had little to no connection to the region to begin with – and most of whom have been living elsewhere for 76 years.


Established In: 1987

Established By: Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, Mahmoud Zahar

Also Known As: Ḥarakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement

Country Of Origin: Palestine

Leaders: Ismail Haniyeh, Yehiya Sinwar;

Key Members: Ismail Haniyeh [Chief of the Political Bureau], Yehiya Sinwar [Political Leader], Fawzi Barhoum [Spokesperson], Mousa Abu Marzouq [Deputy Chief of the Political Bureau], Khaled Mashal [Deputy Chief of the Political Bureau]

Operational Area: Middle East

Number Of Members: 10,000–17,000

Involved In: Terrorist Attacks, Rocket Attacks, Suicide Bombings, Kidnapping

The Arab-Israeli conflict, one year on

October 7 marked the one-year anniversary of the start of the current Arab-Israeli war. Let us summarize the results of the ongoing conflict to date, since there is no truce and no sign of any compromise solution acceptable to the two sides.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan proposes a new reform of the UN based on the principle: “The World is bigger than five states”

The UN, as a universally recognized international institution, is going through a crisis in its ability to make timely and fair decisions on topical issues of international relations, and is thus in need of reform.

The main causes of the crisis in the UN’s activities
The world’s first universally recognized international organization was formed at the end of the First World War in accordance with the decisions of the Paris Peace Conference, enshrined in the Treaty of Versailles. This institution, the League of Nations, was established in 1919 and existed until April 18, 1946, that is, until the formation of the United Nations as a result of the Second World War and the Yalta and Potsdam Peace Conferences.

Germany was the engine of Europe because it used Russian fuel

The question now hangs in the air: will Berlin reconsider its role with Russia, or let the engine seize up?

Recently, an important Brazilian geopolitical channel invited me to shed some light on the political situation in Europe and especially in Germany. Since I’ve been in Berlin, I’ve also been closely following the reaction of the Brazilian internet public to the decline of the EU and Germany, which is already impossible to hide. As far as I can tell, Brazilians still admire a country they have come to know as a global economic power and “the engine of the European project”, but there is also a growing contempt for the Atlanticist foreign policy that Germany has pursued in recent years, which is seen as forced and not particularly genuine.