Vukčević: Nema razloga da Srbi prete Diku Martiju

Vladimir Vukčević, prvi tužilac za ratne zločine, ističe za Danas da nema razloga da Srbi, odnosno srpske bezbednosne službe, prete Diku Martiju, nekadašnjem izvestiocu Saveta Evrope.

Povodom tvrdnji Martija da mu određeni krugovi iz srpskih bezbednosnih službi prete smrću, Vukčević ukazuje da “nema potrebe njemu da prete, jer je on sve otkrio na osnovu našeg rada, a ne sam”.

Sastanak predstavnika OVK sa Kurtijem završen bez dogovora

Sastanak predstavnika veterana Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova (OVK) sa kosovskim premijerom Aljbinom Kurtijem o visini boračke penzije završen je danas bez dogovora, prenosi RTK.

Sastanak u vladi Kosova trajao je dva sata, a predstavnik veterana Faton Klinaku rekao je medijima da se sa Kurtijem nisu dogovorili da se izmeni predlog zakona o minimalnoj zaradi.

Ko je bio Adem Jašari, čije prezime je uzburkalo javnost posle meča Srbija – Švajcarska?

„Odlučan, hrabar i borben. Ovo je legendarni komandant Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova (OVK) Adem Jašari. Obeležavajući njegov rođendan odajemo počast njemu i članovima njegove porodice koji su se žrtvovali za našu slobodu. Jednom je ušao u istoriju da bi ostao zauvek i da se pamti posebno 28. novembra uz albansku zastavu i Dan nezavisnosti. Jedan dan i tri istorijska datuma. Adem Jašari je heroj našeg detinjstva“, rekla je pre neki dan predsednica Kosova Vjosa Osmani nakon što je odala počast ispred porodičnog groba porodice Jašari u Prekazu.

War Propaganda And Ideology At The Edge Of Oblivion

Within the coming days the cruel Russia-Ukraine War will enter its second year. Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 has triggered a series of global consequences not yet fully understood.[1] Despite intense scrutiny and speculation, no one really knows how it will turn out.[2] One hopes and prays that it will not lead to a nuclear exchange but even that dire eventuality cannot be discounted. Both Russia and Ukraine are supposedly preparing new armies aimed to deliver a knockout blow, both place hope in new weapons, both are desperately looking for more men, both have freed convicts to fight and you can find videos of forced conscription on both sides. Atrocities abound. Both sides search for allies and sources of support worldwide, no matter how marginal.

What role for Europe in the Middle East and North Africa?

Now that Europe is desperate to find new energy suppliers, the resource-rich countries of the Middle East and North Africa are hoping to boost their economy and influence.

  • Europe is unlikely to turn back to Russia for energy even after the war
  • MENA countries have suddenly become much more valuable allies
  • World powers’ competition for influence in the region will intensify

Burkina Faso: Another Russia-West hotspot?

A weak central government, a fragmented military and Islamic terrorism threaten to turn the Sahel nation into a geopolitical confrontation zone.

  • Two military coups in 2022 highlight political instability, horrendous violence
  • The nation may become the next battleground between Russia and the West
  • Strict military rule is seen as a bulwark against Islamic jihadist groups