Rising Conflict in Libya

There is still public confusion around the health of General Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA).

General Haftar remains in Paris, where he is receiving medical care for an undisclosed condition, with speculation ranging from a stroke to cancer.

Russia Broadens Its Reach into Sahel

Russia is actively seeking political influence in the Sahel through ostensible support for counter-insurgency efforts amid the drawdown of the longstanding French counterterrorism forces in that region.

Russian has capitalized on cold U.S. relationships with Sahelian states that are confronting challenges in democratic governance in its attempt to create a new Russian-led security order in the region.

Russia policy after the war: A new strategy of containment

As Vladimir Putin’s world-altering war against Ukraine enters its second year, any hope of reviving the post-Cold War European security order depends on defeating Russia in Ukraine. But that will only be the first step in what will be a long struggle—one that calls for an updated strategy of containment.

Ukraine Crisis After One Year – An Assessment

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine started on 24 February 2022. During this one year of conflict, the situation in the world has drifted into dangerous situation with the world getting divided virtually into two camps. While Washington took the lead in building a coalition of NATO and others to send arms and other supplies to Ukraine, Russia and China suddenly found a new bonhomie.

The Foreign Fighters On The Front Lines Of Russia-Ukraine War – OpEd

On February 2, 2023, former U.S. Marine Peter Reed was killed in Ukraine while evacuating civilians in the front-line city of Bakhmut. Two days later on February 4, the bodies of two British volunteers, Christopher Perry and Andrew Bagshaw, were returned as part of a prisoner swap deal with Russian forces. Their deaths mark some of the latest Western casualties in Ukraine one year after Russian forces invaded the country in February 2022.

Ordinea mondială după războiul din Ucraina. Schimbările care vor influența viitorul omenirii

Ordinea mondială este pe cale să sufere schimbări, în contextul împlinirii unui an de la invazia rusească din Ucraina. Războiul a împărțit lumea, iar cele două blocuri economico-militare antagonice se consolidează. Pe de altă parte, globalizarea pare să se apropie de final, iar Europa și Rusia ar putea deveni sateliți ai Statelor Unite și ai Chinei.

Tens of thousands of refugees flee from Somaliland clashes

Somalis arrive in Ethiopia from disputed town of Las Anod, where at least 82 people have died in fighting

More than 60,000 Somali refugees have fled to Ethiopia after an escalation in fighting in the town of Las Anod, in the Sool region, where tensions between local people and the governing Somaliland authorities have been building for weeks.

Mali: Three UN peacekeepers killed in explosive attack

The incident took place that morning near the village of Songobia, in central Mali, as their supply convoy was heading to its base in Sévaré.

El-Ghassim Wane, the head of MINUSMA, condemned the attack and offered his deepest condolences to the families and colleagues of the deceased peacekeepers.