Bitcoin And Geopolitical Rivalry – Analysis

Bitcoin, the flagship stateless cryptocurrency, is a double-edged sword that can either strengthen or harm national power. As financial warfare becomes increasingly complex, this decentralized cybercurrency is acting as a versatile strategic instrument of statecraft that can play various roles under confrontational geopolitical circumstances. This under-researched subject matter needs to be clarified because it entails meaningful implications for national security, strategic intelligence, foreign policy and grand strategy, but also for the domain of high finance.

Poland’s (Lack of) Vision for Europe

Warsaw’s resistance to deepening European integration cannot be ignored by other EU capitals. To bridge conflicting perspectives on the union’s future, Brussels must engage in dialogue with Poland while insisting on respect for the rule of law.

Is Hungary a Reliable EU and NATO Member?

At this point Hungary is the EU country that most closely resembles an autocracy. Anybody who has studied Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s rule will agree that Hungary has evolved into a political machine run by one man. The question should therefore be: who can rely on Mr. Orbán? The simple answer is: only Mr. Orban himself. He seems to be in politics for his own gain and it is fair to say that he is the loose cannon within NATO and EU.

France: A ‘Field of Ruins’

France, once again, is on the verge of chaos.

The subject of the discontent is the adoption of a law reforming the pension system in a minimal way: the legal retirement age in France has been set at 62 since 2010; the law raises it two years, to 64.

Neither members of the government nor economists on television dare to speak the truth: The French pension system is collapsing. The reform just adopted will not be enough to save it; just allow it to survive a bit longer.

L’Arabie saoudite prend son virage eurasien

Les récentes réconciliations de l’Arabie saoudite avec l’Iran et la Syrie sous l’égide de la Chine et de la Russie sont perçues comme une étape vers la réduction de la dépendance de Riyad à l’égard des États-Unis, tout en faisant progresser l’influence politique et économique de Pékin et de Moscou en Asie occidentale.

Russia targets Ivory Coast to expand military influence in Africa

In a propaganda cartoon on West African social media, the Russian mercenary is muscular and heroic. Descending fearlessly from a helicopter, he races to the rescue of besieged soldiers from Mali and Burkina Faso, firing his machine gun at demonic French zombies and an evil snake in French national colours.