Alors que les situations sécuritaire et humanitaire au Mali ne cessent de se détériorer, en particulier dans les régions de Ménaka et du Centre, la Mission des Nations Unies dans ce pays (MINUSMA) se heurte à des difficultés pour s’acquitter de son mandat, a prévenu mercredi l’envoyé de l’ONU lors d’une réunion du Conseil de sécurité.
Les activités minières de l’entreprise Xing Jiang Mining dans le territoire de Basoko (Tshopo) sont suspendues par le ministère des Mines en République démocratique du Congo. Pour matérialiser cette décision, une délégation conduite par la ministre provinciale des mines a été dépêchée par la gouverneure de province sur les lieux. Elle a ramené le mardi 11 avril à Kisangani, seize Chinois, employés et cadres de cette entreprise, en attendant d’autres dispositions.
Christian Ally Moussa did not tell anyone that he had decided to get in a small boat to make the 350km (220-mile) trip across a treacherous stretch of the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the French island of Mayotte.
The first three months of 2023 were the deadliest first quarter in six years for migrants crossing the central Mediterranean Sea in smugglers’ boats, the U.N. migration agency reported Wednesday, citing delays by nations in initiating rescues as a contributing factor.
For the first time in twenty years, a change of leadership in Turkey is possible. The EU must be prepared for the foreign policy shift an opposition victory would bring.
Whether in the first round on May 14 or the second on May 28, Turkey’s presidential election will ultimately be fought between the incumbent president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu.
Countries along the Balkan route are stepping up border controls in an attempt to stem irregular migration. An increasing number of migrants have been taking this route since this summer — what accounts for this phenomenon? Several hypotheses exist.
Bulgaria has detained 70 people suspected of having entered the country as migrants using irregular means. Some had to be rushed to hospital having suffered exhaustion, according to regional police forces.
The police operation took place at a parking lot on a highway near the southern Bulgarian city of Sliven early on Sunday, which is located about 100 kilometers north of the country’s border with Turkey.
It is just after midnight when they arrive at the registration centre in Dimitrovgrad on Serbia’s eastern border with Bulgaria.
The 17 Afghan men are all exhausted after a seven-hour walk over the mountain that forms the border between Bulgaria and Serbia. Their faces, hands, and arms are covered in scratches and their eyes are bloodshot from fatigue.
The Center for New American Security says the US has to defend India for the sake of Indo-Pacific security
The US think tank, Center for New American Security (CNAS) in its report published in March, recommends that US policymakers must “closely monitor” the Sino-Indian border conflict and be prepared to respond “quickly” if the conflict escalates.
The Colonial Powers Munich Award to Hitler Is the Last Straw in Bringing About The ‘Infamous’ Molotov-Ribbinthrop Pact. Stalin’s Last Minute Surprise Switch to Collaboration and Temporary Safety
With Sudetenland gone to Germany, Czechoslovakia had lost 70% of its iron/steel industry, 70% of its electrical power and 3.5 million citizens to Germany as a result of the settlement. American historian William Shirer, in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1960), took the view that Czechoslovakia would have been able to offer significant resistance. Shirer believed that Britain and France had sufficient air defenses to avoid serious bombing of London and Paris and would have been able to pursue a rapid and successful war against Germany. He quotes Churchill as saying the Munich agreement meant that “Britain and France were in a much worse position compared to Hitler’s Germany”. After Adolf Hitler personally inspected the Czech fortifications, he privately said to Joseph Goebbels, “we would have shed a lot of blood” and that it was fortunate that there had been no fighting.” [138].