U.S. Strategic Aim: Break and Dismember Russia; Or Maintain U.S. Dollar Hegemony? Or a Muddled ‘Both’?

The West cannot relinquish the sense of itself at the centre of the Universe, albeit no longer in a racial sense, Alastair Crooke writes.

A strategic aim would require a unitary purpose that could be succinctly outlined. It would require additionally a compelling clarity about the means by which the aim would be achieved and a coherent vision about what a successful outcome would actually look like.

Au Sahel, l’émir Iyad Ag-Ghali toujours vivant, toujours influent, toujours traqué

Depuis 2020, l’émir du Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans (GSIM) doit faire face à la branche sahélienne de l’Etat islamique.

Ce sera peut-être son dernier combat, après tant de coups de feu tirés dans toutes les directions. Depuis quarante ans, Iyad Ag-Ghali s’est successivement battu pour la légion islamique de Mouammar Kadhafi au Liban et au Tchad, pour la cause touareg au sein des rébellions apparues dans le nord du Mali au tournant des années 1990, pour le compte d’Al-Qaida afin d’imposer une conception salafiste de la charia – la loi islamique – dans son pays et au-delà, contre les soldats des opérations militaires françaises « Serval », « Sabre » et « Barkhane ».

Au Sahel, le groupe Etat islamique étend sa prédation

Les djihadistes affiliés à l’EI et leurs rivaux d’Al-Qaida se disputent le contrôle de la zone « des trois frontières » aux confluences du Mali, du Burkina et du Niger.

Au prix de combats sanglants, de massacres et de déplacements de civils, le groupe Etat islamique au Grand Sahara (EIGS) est désormais en position de force dans le nord-est du Mali, qui sert de base à ses visées expansionnistes au Niger et au Burkina Faso, selon des analystes.

Sudan Conflict Worsening Humanitarian Crisis – WFP

The United Nations has issued a warning that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has the potential to result in a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people requiring urgent assistance.

According to the World Food Programme (WFP), the conflict has put an additional 2.5 million people at risk of starvation, bringing the total number of individuals experiencing acute food insecurity to a staggering 19 million.

The Taliban and the Islamic State Continue to Fight for Afghanistan’s Future

The Taliban’s ability to lead Afghanistan remains questionable and ongoing instability has provided the Islamic State the opportunity for expansion.

On April 25, 2023, U.S. officials confirmed that the Taliban had killed the head of the Islamic State (IS) cell operating in Afghanistan. Though his identity has not been revealed, the IS leader is believed to have masterminded the 2021 Kabul airport attack that killed 170 Afghan civilians and 13 U.S. military personnel.

Is the Military-Industrial Complex Not Just the Means but Also an Important Cause of Forever Wars?

The military industrial complex is comprised of the arms industry and defense contractors, their supporting research establishment, lobbyists and assets. In recent years the military industrial complex of many countries has expanded rapidly, particularly in the case of the USA whose military-industrial complex is much more immense and vast than that of any other country. The military industrial establishment of any leading country is capable of immense destruction, yet considered essential nationally as a means of defense against any other aggressive nation or hostile force.

Kemalism Vs Kemalism In Turkish Elections – OpEd

Turkish presidential election Sunday goes down to the wires

From a geopolitical perspective, the Turkish presidential election on Sunday may appear to be one of the most crucial non-violent political events of this year. But appearances can be deceptive in Turkish politics.

In the surcharged polarisation of “West versus Rest” in international politics, western media is rooting for the defeat of incumbent President Recep Erdogan so that one of the leading proponents of multipolarity and strategic autonomy in the emerging world order who is setting a horrible example for the Global South, walks into the sunset.

Italy, France clash over immigration, again

The head of Macron’s party described Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s immigration policy as inhumane following a string of insults from the French side, which has left Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini angered while Meloni focuses on turning the page.

Taliban And Islamic State Continue To Fight For Afghanistan’s Future – OpEd

The Taliban’s ability to lead Afghanistan remains questionable and ongoing instability has provided the Islamic State the opportunity for expansion.

On April 25, 2023, U.S. officials confirmed that the Taliban had killed the head of the Islamic State (IS) cell operating in Afghanistan. Though his identity has not been revealed, the IS leader is believed to have masterminded the 2021 Kabul airport attack that killed 170 Afghan civilians and 13 U.S. military personnel.