Russian Eurasianism and its Eastern European counterparts 100 years ago and today

Political-geographical imagery, imagination and geopolitics.

The Eurasian Complex

Russian Eurasianism, whose centenary we celebrated in 2021, is a complex phenomenon that can only be fully understood if we carefully consider the context of its birth and development.

Russian Eurasianism as a specific philosophical and political current emerges in the specific Russian philosophical and cultural space of the Silver Age. This space was already characterized by a “turning to the East”, a reflection on the “East” and “pan-Mongolism” by Vladimir Solovyov, and a literary current of “Scythianism”, in which Solovyov’s reflections and fears were reversed into an acceptance of the “Scythian”, “Eastern” dimension of Russian identity. In the 1917 revolution, some Silver Age figures (e.g., A. Blok in “The Scythians”) saw precisely this dimension of Russian origins emerge.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

“A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”

Published by the Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc.
Belmont, Massachusetts, 1982
Special Document No. 1 (ISBN 0-937694-56-8)

Publisher’s Note


The Association of Arab-American University Graduates finds it compelling to inaugurate its new publication series, Special Documents, with Oded Yinon’s article which appeared in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. Oded Yinon is an Israeli journalist and was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel. To our knowledge, this document is the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East. Furthermore, it stands as an accurate representation of the “vision” for the entire Middle East of the presently ruling Zionist regime of Begin, Sharon and Eitan. Its importance, hence, lies not in its historical value but in the nightmare which it presents.

Greater Middle East: Sequel

However, the apparent victims of what is happening remain people of the Middle East and European countries themselves, which take hundreds of thousands of refugees and forced migrants. The bombings and military operations are in areas far from Brussels, Washington and Moscow. To clarify the situation we will try to answer the fundamental question – Quid prodest – who benefits?

The Balkans and the Middle East: Byzantine heritage and realism

Understanding current market or economic conditions and the interests of various competitors is not sufficient to adequately comprehend ongoing geopolitical processes. This is especially true for the Middle East and the Balkans. A deep analysis and deconstruction of existing regional systems are needed to identify elements of interdependence and develop possible responses to all sorts of challenges.

Counter-hegemonic visions of Neo-Eurasianism


Intellectuals and writers of modern Russia with great enthusiasm take care of the search for adequate socio-political explanations of the former gigantic empire, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union was lost and disoriented. At the same time, the universal vacuum was affecting Russia’s integral environment due to the fall of the Marxist-Leninist development project. After all this, philosophers and social activist tried to make a foundation to the actual ideological goals of Russian society. However, so far, many of ideological aspirations to create new national policy was unsuccessful.

U.S. Strategic Aim: Break and Dismember Russia; Or Maintain U.S. Dollar Hegemony? Or a Muddled ‘Both’?

The West cannot relinquish the sense of itself at the centre of the Universe, albeit no longer in a racial sense, Alastair Crooke writes.

A strategic aim would require a unitary purpose that could be succinctly outlined. It would require additionally a compelling clarity about the means by which the aim would be achieved and a coherent vision about what a successful outcome would actually look like.

Au Sahel, l’émir Iyad Ag-Ghali toujours vivant, toujours influent, toujours traqué

Depuis 2020, l’émir du Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans (GSIM) doit faire face à la branche sahélienne de l’Etat islamique.

Ce sera peut-être son dernier combat, après tant de coups de feu tirés dans toutes les directions. Depuis quarante ans, Iyad Ag-Ghali s’est successivement battu pour la légion islamique de Mouammar Kadhafi au Liban et au Tchad, pour la cause touareg au sein des rébellions apparues dans le nord du Mali au tournant des années 1990, pour le compte d’Al-Qaida afin d’imposer une conception salafiste de la charia – la loi islamique – dans son pays et au-delà, contre les soldats des opérations militaires françaises « Serval », « Sabre » et « Barkhane ».

Au Sahel, le groupe Etat islamique étend sa prédation

Les djihadistes affiliés à l’EI et leurs rivaux d’Al-Qaida se disputent le contrôle de la zone « des trois frontières » aux confluences du Mali, du Burkina et du Niger.

Au prix de combats sanglants, de massacres et de déplacements de civils, le groupe Etat islamique au Grand Sahara (EIGS) est désormais en position de force dans le nord-est du Mali, qui sert de base à ses visées expansionnistes au Niger et au Burkina Faso, selon des analystes.

Sudan Conflict Worsening Humanitarian Crisis – WFP

The United Nations has issued a warning that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has the potential to result in a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people requiring urgent assistance.

According to the World Food Programme (WFP), the conflict has put an additional 2.5 million people at risk of starvation, bringing the total number of individuals experiencing acute food insecurity to a staggering 19 million.

The Taliban and the Islamic State Continue to Fight for Afghanistan’s Future

The Taliban’s ability to lead Afghanistan remains questionable and ongoing instability has provided the Islamic State the opportunity for expansion.

On April 25, 2023, U.S. officials confirmed that the Taliban had killed the head of the Islamic State (IS) cell operating in Afghanistan. Though his identity has not been revealed, the IS leader is believed to have masterminded the 2021 Kabul airport attack that killed 170 Afghan civilians and 13 U.S. military personnel.