BRICS+ And The Future Of The US Dollar – Analysis

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and intensified United States (US)–China competition have had two important geostrategic consequences. They have blown new life into the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and accelerated expansion of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc’s role and membership, as confirmed at this week’s Johannesburg summit.

Niger, le pustch de trop pour la France ?

Après le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le Niger, la France est-elle en passe d’être chassée du Sahel ?

Quelle est sa stratégie pour ne pas perdre le dernier pays où elle a repositionné ses troupes ? Parviendra t’elle à convaincre la CEDEAO de frapper les putschistes de Niamey ? N’est-ce pas la fin de présence française dans le Sahel africain ?

The Attempted Coup in Niger: Avoiding Armed Conflict

On 26 July, high-ranking Nigerien officers announced on national television that they had overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum, who was democratically elected in 2021. In this Q&A, Crisis Group analysts lay out the reasons for the coup as well as the stakes going forward.

New World Order: From The Legacy Of Colonialism To Sovereignty And Development – OpEd

Many of today’s problems affecting the majority of the world, including Africa and Russia, are a direct consequence of the persistence of old colonialism and the imposition of renewed forms of colonialism.

Conversely, the notorious prosperity of the West can be attributed to the rules of a predatory world order generated by this colonial legacy. The justifications, forms and technologies of colonialism have changed over the centuries, but to this day their disastrous consequences have not been fully overcome.

Wagner chief Prigozhin among passengers in fatal plane crash: Russian state media

Russia’s grey-zone influence in the Middle East and Africa enters uncharted territory amid reports of the Wagner chief’s death.

Russian state media claimed that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the de facto head of the Wagner paramilitary organization, was killed along with nine other people onboard a private jet that tumbled out of the skies north of Moscow on Wednesday.

Syria: Orphan in News Headlines

The Syrian tragedy started with peaceful efforts by a large segment of the population to secure more individual freedoms, a curb on corruption, and better economic opportunities.

All the current talk about normalization and reconstruction is a subterfuge to avoid the core geopolitical aspect of this tragedy created by conflicting visions of the future, not only of Syria but of the Middle East as a whole.

Géopolitique du Maghreb – Partie I : Le Maghreb médiéval

Le Maghreb ne déroge pas à la règle des nations-civilisations qui veut que leur géopolitique soit forgée par l’histoire longue.

Il a connu une période de décadence qui a commencée au XIIIe siècle et a atteint son point culminant avec la mise sous tutelle complète par la colonisation courant du XIXe siècle.