Rewriting Russia’s Pursuits in the Middle East

In an interview, Leonid Nersisyan examines Moscow’s stakes in the Levant and North Africa in light of the stalemated war in Ukraine.

Leonid Nersisyan is a defense analyst focusing on the foreign and military policy of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States region. He also follows the defense industry in general, as well as armed conflict and arms control. Nersisyan is a research fellow at the Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Diwan interviewed Nersisyan in July to get his perspective on how the Ukraine war and its repercussions have affected Russia’s defense posture in the Middle East.

Contrary Impulses in Iraqi Shiism Today

Is the community a purveyor of revolutionary change, a defender of the status quo, or a combination of both?

We are in the Muslim month of Muharram, a time of mourning for Shia Muslims, when they commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. Over the centuries, rituals during Muharram have been crucial in maintaining and energizing the Shia collectivity and helping to perpetuate its narratives, myths, and worldviews.

Gender and Politics


The text has aim to investigate the situation of female representation in politics in the industrialized contemporary Western democracies. Though women are more and more visible in politics, we can not yet say they have taken an equal position compared to men. Of course, they have had to take a long road and there is certainly a positive evolution, but there are still some mechanisms that lead to different kinds and levels of political discrimination.

Niger Is Fourth Country In Sahel To Experience An Anti-Western Coup – OpEd

At 3 a.m. on July 26, 2023, the presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Troops, led by Brigadier General Abdourahmane Tchiani closed the country’s borders and declared a curfew. The coup d’état was immediately condemned by the Economic Community of West African States, by the African Union, and by the European Union.

A Brief Neocolonial History Of The Five UN Security Council Permanent Members – Analysis

Understanding the actions and justifications behind territorial colonial behavior by the UN Security Council since 1945.

One of the underlying principles of the UN Charter is the protection of the sovereign rights of states. Yet since 1945, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (Soviet Union/Russia, France, UK, U.S., and China) have consistently used military force to undermine this notion. And while acts of seizing territory have grown rare, ongoing military domination allows imperialism to further manifest through economic, political, and cultural control.

Fact-checking : l’influence russe sur l’Afrique

La Russie cherche à gagner de l’influence en Afrique de plusieurs manières, qu’il s’agisse de campagnes de désinformation ou de l’envoi de mercenaires de Wagner.

Une étude récemment publiée

par le Centre d’études stratégiques de l’Afrique, montre que la Russie tente de saper la démocratie dans plus de deux douzaines de pays africains. Les principaux outils utilisés sont l’ingérence politique, les revendications extraconstitutionnelles de pouvoir et la désinformation. Dans certains cas, ces outils fonctionnent.

Sommet Russie-Afrique : Mnangagwa et Museveni rencontrent Poutine

Le développement des liens avec les pays africains est l’une des priorités invariables de la Fédération de Russie, a déclaré jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine à son homologue ougandais Yoweri Museveni.

Ce dernier a invité la Russie à participer à l’exploration pétrolière en Afrique de l’Est.

Sénégal : des migrants enterrés sur les plages de Saint-Louis

Ces petits monticules de sable qui parsèment cette plage du nord du Sénégal sont en fait des tombes. Les habitants de la petite ville de pêcheurs de Saint-Louis arrivent à les distinguer grâce à quelques indices. Nombre de ces jeunes enterrés ici ont voulu rejoindre l’Europe par la mer.