Around 1,400 years ago, when 150 migrants migrated (Hijra), there were about 15,000 Ansar in Medina who hosted them. That was a proportion of about 1%. In today’s context, in Turkey with a population of 80 million, the estimated influx of over 17 million refugees has reached an enormous scale.
On July 6, law enforcement in Germany and the Netherlands arrested nine Central Asians on terrorism-related charges. In Germany, five Tajik nationals, one Kyrgyz citizen, and one Turkmenistani citizen were arrested in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia for allegedly creating and participating in a local terrorist organization and supporting Islamic State (IS). In the Netherlands, a married couple—a Tajik husband and Kyrgyz wife—were also arrested in Eindhoven and Breda. Both are suspected of plotting terrorist attacks, with the husband also suspected of IS membership (Kaktus Media, July 6).
L’impérialisme et le (néo)colonialisme constituent des formes particulières de globalisation incompatibles avec la souveraineté des peuples et la diversité des civilisations.
Telle est la leçon que nous pouvons tirer des pressions (diplomatiques, politiques, militaires, économiques, culturelles) que les anciennes puissances colonisatrices européennes continuent d’exercer sur le continent africain, malgré la contestation de plus en plus vive de cette domination dans divers pays. Or, en prenant comme exemples des pays comme le Mali, le Burkina Faso, la République centrafricaine, le Niger, mais aussi le Cameroun, la contestation de la domination occidentale s’amplifie chaque jour davantage, notamment en Afrique noire dite «francophone».
Despite notable repatriation progress in early 2023, involving 14 countries returning their nationals, including children, the issue of detention centers and camps in Northeast Syria remains a critical challenge for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the U.S.-led anti-IS coalition. Likewise, Al-Hol camp continues to prove a breeding ground for IS resurgence. The tough security regime and the robust monitoring and surveillance efforts undertaken by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) over the years has facilitated the camp administration in maintaining a semblance of relative security and stability, but the ideological influence of IS and its reign of terror spreads gradually through the group’s foreign female stalwarts who are passing on the Islamic State’s extremist ideology to the next generation.
Terrorism has not been laid to rest in the West Bank, following continued violent attacks.
After around 18 months of deadly terrorist attacks in the West Bank focusing mainly on the Jenin and Nablus areas of the northern West Bank, terrorism abruptly returned to Hebron on Monday. It’s not that there has been zero deadly terrorism in the Hebron area – and definitely not zero attempts at terrorist attacks or low-grade Palestinian violence.
On July 6, law enforcement in Germany and the Netherlands arrested nine Central Asians on terrorism-related charges. In Germany, five Tajik nationals, one Kyrgyz citizen, and one Turkmenistani citizen were arrested in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia for allegedly creating and participating in a local terrorist organization and supporting Islamic State (IS). In the Netherlands, a married couple—a Tajik husband and Kyrgyz wife—were also arrested in Eindhoven and Breda. Both are suspected of plotting terrorist attacks, with the husband also suspected of IS membership (Kaktus Media, July 6).
Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Quraishi via @Visegrád24 on X (formerly known as Twitter)
On August 6, Islamic State (IS) announced its new caliph, Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Quraishi. He is now the organization’s fourth caliph since Abubakar al-Baghdadi declared the caliphate in 2014 (, August 6). The announcement also dispelled the notion that the previous caliph was killed by Turkish security forces, as the Turkish government had claimed. Rather, IS blamed the formerly al-Qaeda-aligned Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) for killing the last caliph.
«Le PIB ne mesure ni notre intelligence, ni notre courage, ni notre sagesse, ni nos connaissances, ni notre compassion. Il mesure tout sauf ce qui fait que la vie vaut la peine d’être vécue». (Robert Kennedy ministre de la justice dans un célèbre discours en 1968)
À la veille du sommet de l’OTAN, le New York Times a publié un article signé par deux auteurs (Gray Anderson et Thomas Meaney), paru sous le titre : «L’OTAN n’est pas ce qu’elle prétend être».
L’article s’ouvre en traitant l’admission de la Finlande ainsi que l’invitation de la Suède, et se poursuit par une révélation extrêmement importante : «Depuis le tout début de son existence, l’OTAN n’avait jamais eu pour préoccupation première l’accumulation militaire. Au cœur de la Guerre froide, contrôlant 100 divisions, c’est-à-dire une petite fraction du personnel du Pacte de Varsovie, l’organisation ne pouvait pas escompter repousser une invasion soviétique, alors même que les armes nucléaires du continent étaient sous le contrôle de Washington. L’organisation avait plutôt pour objectif d’inscrire l’Europe occidentale dans un projet bien plus vaste, dirigé par les États-Unis, en vue d’établir un ordre mondial au sein duquel la protection étasunienne allait tenir lieu de levier pour obtenir des concessions sur d’autres sujets, comme le commerce et les politiques monétaires. De manière surprenante, l’OTAN réussissait alors remarquablement à accomplir cette mission.»
Le budget de sécurité nationale de l’Amérique, qui s’élève à 1300 milliards de dollars, se nourrit de menaces fabriquées et d’ennemis faussement diabolisés. Et rien ne pourrait être plus démonstratif de cette proposition que l’infamie totale qui a émané du sommet de l’OTAN à Vilnius.