Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said they attacked the “espionage headquarters” of Israel in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, state media reported late on Monday, while the elite force said they also struck in Syria against ISIS.
The global systemic transition’s impending evolution towards tri-multipolarity could see the US-led West’s Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the de facto Indian-led Global South becoming the most prominent poles in International Relations, below which would be rising powers and regional groups. All actors would balance one another by multi-aligning within and between their respective levels, which might result in stabilizing global affairs much more than the prior unipolar and bi-multipolar orders did.
L’Iran aurait mené une attaque contre la base aérienne américaine de Harir et l’aéroport international d’Erbil en Irak à l’aide de missiles balistiques et de drones kamikaze lancés par le Corps des Gardiens de la révolution islamique (CGRI). Selon l’agence de presse iranienne Tasnim, le CGRI affirme que ces frappes ont conduit à la destruction complète des «quartiers généraux d’espionnage» des groupes terroristes anti-iraniens dans la région.
Iraqi Kurdish officials on Tuesday repeated calls for an anti-air defence system after Iran launched missiles at northern Iraq, killing five civilians on Monday night.
Tehran also hit areas of Syria outside the control of President Bashar Al Assad, regional sources said.
Les Houthis peuvent à première vue sembler largement dépassés par l’armada américano-britannique qui a frappé le Yémen, mais sur le plan militaire et économique, les États-Unis et l’Europe sont en réalité bien plus vulnérables que les Houthis. Pour le dire simplement, en termes économiques et militaires, les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l’Europe et Israël ont beaucoup plus à perdre.
Key Takeaway: IS affiliates across sub-Saharan Africa have claimed attacks as part of the new IS global campaign and could attempt to carry out high-visibility attacks against civilians and religious sites in their areas of operation to maximize the propaganda value of the campaign. IS central media is branding the campaign as supportive of the Palestinian cause in response to the Israel-Hamas war and is also encouraging lone-wolf attacks against civilians in the West.
En 2008, lors d’une visite à Paris, Shimon Perez avait rallié la France à son projet qui devait relier la mer Rouge à la mer Morte. Les médias français avaient surtout retenu son initiative de «Vallée de la paix», ou vallée d’Arava, territoire situé aux confins de la Cisjordanie, de la Jordanie et d’Israël, dont il prétendait faire un exemple de développement partagé avec l’idée que «l’économie peut être le bulldozer de la paix»1. Une idée tellement enthousiasmante qu’elle a fini par laisser croire aux colonisateurs et à leurs associés qu’il suffit de quelques poignées de dollars, pour que les Palestiniens abandonnent leur terre aux sionistes et jettent les clés de leurs foyers transmises de génération en génération. C’est aussi bien le cas des administrations occidentales que des administrateurs «de pays frères qualifiés de pays modérés et/ou normalisateurs», pour lesquels les miettes distribuées avec parcimonie sont des investissements pour encore plus de profits.
If religion was the opium of the masses in the days of Karl Marx, then today’s drug is the cult of green capitalism. The West has been fooled into thinking that a combination of futuristic green technologies and green growth will save humanity from the climate crisis. As long as we eat our broccoli stalks and refuse plastic bags, we can continue to turn a blind eye to the truth: that the root cause of climate change is capitalism, and that our current way of life will not only lead to ecological collapse, but in doing so exploit the labour and land of the impoverished Global South.
An estimated 82 percent of the record 149 million Africans facing acute food insecurity are in conflict-affected countries underscoring that conflict continues to be the primary driver of Africa’s food crisis.
Russia has pioneered a model of disinformation to gain political influence in Africa that is now being replicated by other actors across the continent.
Disinformation is the intentional dissemination of false information with the intent of advancing a political objective. Africa has been the increasingly frequent target of such campaigns. In recent years, dozens of carefully designed campaigns have pumped millions of intentionally false and misleading posts into Africa’s online social spaces. The ensuing confusion in deciphering fact from fiction has had a corrosive effect on social trust, critical thinking, and citizens’ ability to engage in politics fairly—the lifeblood of a functioning democracy.