Le Hezbollah détient un groupe armé néerlandais dans la banlieue de Beyrouth

Depuis octobre, diverses ambassades de pays occidentaux dont la Grande-Bretagne ont fait venir forces spéciales & équipements de pointe sous prétexte d’évacuer leurs diplomates & leurs ressortissants.

Le personnel de sécurité du Hezbollah a arrêté six ressortissants néerlandais dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth mercredi dernier, a rapporté Al-Akhbar le 2 mars.

Projets d’attaque contre le pont de Crimée : La défense allemande confirme que des échanges ont été «interceptés»

Au lendemain de la publication d’un échange entre officiers parlant d’une potentielle attaque contre le pont de Crimée, la Défense allemande a confirmé ce 2 mars qu’une conversation de l’armée avait été «interceptée». Si la Bundeswehr n’a pas confirmé l’authenticité de l’enregistrement, celle-ci fait peu de doute pour les grands médias allemands.

Israeli Strike Kills 7 Hezbollah Fighters In Lebanon

Israeli air and drone strikes have killed seven Hezbollah fighters, including a field commander, in less than 24 hours.

Three of the fighters died when their car was targeted by an Israeli drone early on Saturday on the coastal road from Al-Naqoura toward the city of Tyre.

Escalation Towards an Independent Terrorist State

Both US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron reveal their simplistic, and somewhat imperialist, Western approach to a complex Middle Eastern situation, irrespective of the aims and intentions of the two parties chiefly involved: the radical Islamists of Gaza and the West Bank, and the State of Israel itself.

Islam’s Flexibility For Converts Vs. Orthodox Judaism’s Discouraging Attitudes – OpEd

The tribe of Thaqeef remained hostile to Islam for a long time. It was one of the most important tribes in Arabia, living in Taif, where they were virtually immune from attack, as they lived high up in a mountainous area. Three years before he fled to Madinah to escape a plot by the Makkans to kill him, the Prophet aimed at Taif to win a new base for Islam, but they gave him a very hostile reception, hurling stones at him.

The Battle For The Soul Of Islam: A Game Of Seduction – Analysis

Two recent high-profile Arab events honouring Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama, the world’s largest and most moderate Muslim civil society movement, highlight a subtle tug-of-war over who will define ‘moderate Islam’ in the 21st century.

At the core of the tug-of-war is whether Islam in the 21st century will foster religiously and politically pluralistic societies or advocate autocracy.

When Ideology Turns Pathological – OpEd

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn may be the 1970 Nobel Prize winner for literature, but that does not make his work The Gulag Archipelago enjoyable reading. The detailed description of the methods of torture employed within the Soviet system alone will turn many readers away. Beyond the interrogations are the trials based upon a mock-legal system epitomized by Soviet jurist Andrei Vyshinsky’s theory that truth is relative and that evidence can be ignored, to be replaced by forced confessions gained under torture.

Coinciding with Promotion of Hundreds of Officers: Bashar Refers 7,000 Soldiers to Retirement

Bashar al-Assad issued an administrative order to retire about 7,000 volunteers, according to Shaam Network.

The Ministry of Defense in the Assad regime’s government announced on Tuesday, January 2nd, the retirement of approximately seven thousand volunteers from Assad’s militias. Additionally, the Ministries of Defense and Interior unveiled the 2024 promotion schedule, encompassing the elevation of numerous officers.

Syria Today – HRW Blames Turkey for Possible War Crimes

Turkey bears responsibility for possible war crimes in Syria, Human Rights Watch says

Human Rights Watch says Turkey bears responsibility for some of the abuses and possible war crimes committed in Syria, mostly against Kurdish residents in northern Syria

In swathes of northern Syria, Türkiye is an occupying power.