The Deep State should have been alert five years ago when Candidate Joe Biden announced that he, if elected as president, was determined to make the Saudi rulers “pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.”
Falling birthrates in East Asia are causing concerns over whether the region’s military forces will be able to maintain their troop levels in future. As a result, China, Japan, and South Korea are changing their recruitment standards even though they have invested heavily in programmes to boost birthrates. However, some experts believe that advancements in technology will help offset the impact of declining populations.
Joint Statement by Foreign Affairs Ministers of France, Germany and Poland
Our security is under threat. We live in an age of systemic rivalry in which certain autocratic regimes are using their power to undermine and destroy the international order that is based on the Charter of the United Nations. Russia is waging an illegal war of aggression against one of our neighbours, is openly rejecting and actively undermining the European security architecture and has already engaged in malign and hybrid operations against our countries. As Europeans, we must stand together and protect our interests and values as well as the principles of international law, human rights and peace.
Arms trafficking is a loaded term. It conjures images of containers full of AK-47s, gangsters toting grenade launchers or fierce shootouts between rival gangs. And there is some truth to this in many parts of the world, from shiploads of assault rifles sent by Iran to the Houthis, Mexican cartels downing helicopters and the street violence of the drug market in the US.
Cet article est le dernier d’une série expliquant l’instabilité de notre environnement financier actuel. Nos économies se sont tournées vers la conservation et le développement, qui ont été financiarisés de manière irréaliste. La solution est simple. Revenir en arrière. Parce que la puanteur morale nous suivra pendant 100 ans.
“Adults in a Room” is a series in collaboration with The Stimson Center’s Reimagining US Grand Strategy program. The series stems from the group’s monthly networking events that call on analysts to gather virtually and hash out a salient topic. It aims to give you a peek into their Zoom room and a deep understanding of the issue at hand in less than the time it takes to sip your morning coffee without the jargon, acronyms, and stuffiness that often come with expertise.
Le Sommet du G7 sous présidence italienne, organisé par le gouvernement Meloni dans les Pouilles, proclame comme sa priorité «la défense du système international fondé sur la force du droit», déclarant que «la guerre d’agression russe contre l’Ukraine en a affecté les principes et a déclenché une croissante instabilité, visible dans les divers foyers de crise». Ceci est déclaré par le G7, dont 6 membres (États-Unis, Canada, Grande-Bretagne, France, Allemagne et Italie) sont les plus grandes puissances de l’OTAN, qui a fait exploser la guerre en Ukraine contre la Russie, auxquelles se joint le Japon, plus gros partenaire de l’OTAN en Asie Orientale contre la Chine.
Saviez-vous qu’Hitler a nommé Adolf Eichmann pour travailler avec les sionistes dès 1936 pour construire un État germano-juif en Palestine afin de menacer l’autorité britannique ? Vous savez maintenant pourquoi Eichmann a dû être réduit au silence. La consanguinité idéologique entre nazisme et sionisme
So long as Russia remains committed to midwifing complex multipolarity together with India, and the argument in favor of continuing this policy is that it would give Russia more strategic autonomy than in a restored Sino-US bi-multipolar system, then it mustn’t change its policy towards India’s conflicts.
Analysis: Turkey has said that the Kurdish-led administration’s decision to hold elections is unacceptable, but is a military operation likely?
Turkey is once again using threatening language after the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) scheduled local elections for 11 June in the territories under its control.