Russia has struggled in Ukraine, but everyone else has still lost

MIDDLE ISRAEL: Moscow’s strategic setbacks in Ukraine have yet to spell victory for anyone else.

Having listened to Nikolai Gogol read to him from his Dead Souls, which mocked feudal Russia through a plan to buy dead serfs’ souls, Alexander Pushkin at one point burst into laughter only to suddenly turn pensive and say in despair: “God, how sad our Russia is.”

Sunny Refuge: Ukrainian Refugees Find ‘Second Home’ on Albanian Seaside

Hundreds of women and children who escaped war in Ukraine have found a welcoming place to stay on the coast of a country they knew little about before the war.

All that remains of Olha Yatsenko’s home in Irpin, a town north of Kyiv with a pre-war population of 60,000 inhabitants, are some photos of her brown-coloured furniture and white cups.

The Rise of Multimodal Transportation Among Russia, Iran and India

As the Ukraine war has entered its fifth month, and two decades after Iran, Russia and India signed the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) in 2002, Dariush Jamali, head of the Iranian-Russian Port of Solyanka in Astrakhan Oblast, announced that the first transit shipment from Russia to India had been sent through Iran by way of the INSTC (Mehr News Agency, June 11). This shipment passed on a multimodal route through Astrakhan Port, specifically the Solyanka part (Russia); Bandar Abbas and Chabahar ports (Iran); and Nhava Sheva Port (India).

Larry Watts: In 1989 Puterea a fost acaparată de vechii agenti KGB si GRU

Fereşte‐mă, Doamne, de prieteni…

LARRY L. WATTS a absolvit cu master Universitătile din Washington, Seattle şi UCLA, având şi un doctorat la Umea University din Suedia. Între 1990 şi 1991, a condus Biroul IREX din Bucureşti, iar pînă în 1997, a fost Senior Consultant al Project on Ethnic Relation şi director al Biroului PER din România. Din 1990, a fost consilier în probleme de reformă democrată şi control asupra institutiilor statului şi s-a ocupat de înfiintarea Colegiului National de Apărare şi a Consiliului pentru Minorităti Nationale.

Întrebarea Zilei: Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Întrebarea Zilei: Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Sterie Ciumetti: Multă lume cu care suntem noi în contact se referă la Rusia ca fiind aceeași țară ca cea din trecut, cu aceleași apucături și aceeași agresivitate cu cea din perioada sovietică. Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Erdogan, Putin set to meet in Tehran

The Turkish, Iranian and Russian leaders are set to meet in Tehran next week amid lingering Turkish threats against Syrian Kurdish groups. Putin and Erdogan will separately discuss the Ukrainian grain crisis.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian leader Vladimir Putin are set to meet in Tehran next week, with Ukrainian grain exports and a potential Turkish operation in Syria likely to top the agenda.

Iran weighs benefits of BRICS membership

While joining the bloc has its upsides, it will be extremely difficult for Tehran to get full benefits from BRICS without the complete lifting of Western sanctions.

Recently, Iran applied to join BRICS, a group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. On a global level, this forum represents 40% of the world population and 26% of the world economy. According to IMF data, China has the largest economy in this grouping and accounts for more than 70% of the BRICS total worth of around $27.5 trillion, while India comes in second at 13% and Russia and Brazil comprise the remaining 7%.

Kremlin hopes Biden will not seek to turn Saudi Arabia against Russia

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said that Russia highly valued cooperation with Saudi Arabia within the framework of OPEC+ group of world’s leading oil producers.

The Kremlin said on Wednesday that it hoped President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia would not be used to try to foster anti-Russian relations, just as the United States seeks to convince Riyadh to boost oil production amid soaring prices.

The war in Ukraine: A no-win situation for the left

The political left is floundering over what to say about the war in Ukraine.

Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro supports Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has been his ally since 2018.

Some radicals have denounced high-profile American socialists Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders for backing the United States. Fightback, the Canadian section of the International Marxist Tendency, supports neither Ukraine nor Russia, declaring this a “reactionary war on both sides.”