The World Putin Wants

How Distortions About the Past Feed Delusions About the Future

Vladimir Putin is determined to shape the future to look like his version of the past. Russia’s president invaded Ukraine not because he felt threatened by NATO expansion or by Western “provocations.” He ordered his “special military operation” because he believes that it is Russia’s divine right to rule Ukraine, to wipe out the country’s national identity, and to integrate its people into a Greater Russia.

Syrian foreign policy in the Caucasus and Ukraine: An unbalanced, Russia-centered approach

Prior to the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in early 2011, Damascus consciously sought to pursue a relatively balanced foreign policy toward most of its neighbors. Its challenges with Israel notwithstanding, Syria tried to maintain diversified and even-handed relations with Iran, Turkey, and the Arab world regionally and with Russia, the European Union, and the United States on the global level. However, when the Arab Spring uprisings brought political crisis home to Syria, the government’s sharp domestic crackdown gradually changed these conditions, resulting in Syria’s expulsion from the Arab League and the escalation of tensions with Turkey and the Western world. This threw Syrian foreign policy out of its traditional balance, compelling the country to rely overwhelmingly on support from Iran and Russia. The constricted room for maneuver on the regional and international stage has had numerous and varied consequences for Syria foreign policy over the past 11 years. But some of the most illustrative about-turns caused by the swing toward Russia could be observed in Syria’s relations with neighbors in the post-Soviet space: namely, Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine.

Операция «Пономарев»

Существует ли Национальная Республиканская армия, которая якобы убила Дарью Дугину?

Вчера вечером экс-депутат Госдумы РФ, а ныне киевлянин Илья Пономарев рассказал на своем канале «Утро февраля», что хорошие русские есть, даже «отличные русские есть», и «вчера они двинули собой». Что несколько месяцев назад он завел телеграм-бот «Роспартизан» для связи с внутрироссийским сопротивлением, и ему по этому боту написала некая Национальная Республиканская армия (НРА), которая под бело-сине-белым флагом будет убивать путинских чиновников, и он с ними переписывался, и они уже осуществляли акции «прямого действия», он даже кого-то вывез, а несколько человек было убито (!) в Волгоградской области. И вот они ему написали, что убьют Дугина и его дочку («они нам говорили, что это будут Дарья и Александр Дугин»), и выполнили обещание, а в машине людей было двое — а чью смерть вместо Дугина скрывают, он, Пономарев, представить не может.

Volunteer battalions: From offense to (territorial) defense?

The high degree of personalization of the Russian regime, coupled with the vast size and diversity of the country, precludes the possibility of a systematic approach to solving complex problems. When everything goes wrong, the authorities begin to frantically rush about and plug holes.

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: What Concerns Should Really Be on the Agenda?

When the simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine turned into a full-scale war in February, a flurry of media articles followed, anticipating a large influx of foreign fighters on Ukrainian battlefields and debating their potential dangers. A solid body of research had already explored the global rise in violent extremism and radicalization after battle-hardened fighters had returned home from the Middle East. Initially, there were concerns about similar cases radiating out from Ukraine, with a shade of right-wing extremism.

Zamach na córkę ideologa wojny w Ukrainie. Kim była Daria Dugina?

Daria Płatonowa Dugina nie była przypadkową ofiarą nie tylko przez pokrewieństwo z naczelnym ideologiem Kremla. Od wczesnej młodości angażowała się w działalność organizacji swego ojca.

20 sierpnia o godz. 21:30 niedaleko wsi Bolszoje Wiazjomy, 20 km od Moskwy, rozległ się wybuch tak głośny, że z okien okolicznych domów wyleciały szyby. Ładunek wysadził w powietrze samochód terenowy Toyota Land Cruiser, który po eksplozji uderzył jeszcze w płot i stanął w płomieniach. Za kierownicą siedziała 30-letnia Daria Płatonowa Dugina. Zginęła na miejscu.

Terrorism is Less of an Existential Threat than Russia and China

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum’s joint address with the FBI Chief on 6 July saw a welcome rebalancing of the security service’s focus towards nation-state threats. Counterterrorism is an important function, but it was allowed to dominate for two decades while Russia, China and other belligerent states were insufficiently monitored.

The Russia–China Alliance versus the West: What about the Rest?

As evidence mounts that the Global South is leaning closer to the Russia–China position over Ukraine, the West needs to think hard about how to regain the initiative in the narrative battle.

The Ukraine war has further entrenched and exacerbated the geopolitical rivalry between the West and the Russia–China camp. This new ‘Superpower Plus’ clash leaves the so-called ‘Rest’ in a difficult position, with some countries feeling pressure to choose sides, and others trying to remain neutral. Worryingly, many are leaning closer to the Russia–China position than the West.