In a War Over Global Order, Russia Bombs Ukraine Cities

Ukrainians face new crimes and a punishing winter in their defense against dictators’ wars.

Over the past 48 hours, Russia again escalated its rain of explosives on Ukrainian cities and civilians. As Ukraine’s soldiers drive back Russia’s invasion forces, Vladimir Putin is trying instead to bludgeon millions of Ukrainians into submitting to his will, crippling the power, water and heating systems they need to survive the winter. A war over whether we should govern our world through laws or at gunpoint is in a dangerous new phase — and those who would maintain peace through law need to buttress our support for the Ukrainians bearing that front-line battle.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Alludes To Drone Supply To Russia: These Drones Are The Pride Of Our Country; Had We Not Launched Our Nuclear Project Years Ago, We Would Have To Launch One Now

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in an October 19, 2022 address that was aired on Channel 1 (Iran) that in the past, the West had dismissed Iran’s missile and drone technologies, but that today admits that they are very dangerous and complains about Iran supplying them to “so-and-so.” It should be noted that Khamenei’s statement may be a reference to recent reports that Russia has been using Iranian-made drones in Ukraine. Khamenei also said that the drones are the pride of Iran. Later in the address, he said that industrial use of nuclear energy has increased throughout the world, and that if Iran had not begun developing its nuclear project many years ago, it would have had to do so now and suffer the consequences of being so far behind the rest of the world.

Iran Providing Drones and Missiles, Technical Assistance to Russia

Iran has agreed to provide Russia with surface-to-surface missiles, and will provide more drones for use against Ukraine, Reuters reported citing two senior Iranian officials and two Iranian diplomats. In addition, other news outlets reported on Tuesday that Iran has sent members of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to a military base in Crimea, where many of the Iranian military drones were sent to Russia, to help train Russian troops in how to operate the unmanned aerial vehicles. Hundreds of Iran’s Shahed-136 drones have been sent to Russia, according to reports.

Balcanii de Vest – teatrul competiției geopolitice între Rusia, China, Turcia și… Uniunea Europeană (II)

Arhitectura intereselor Chinei în regiune – cauze și efecte. Pătrunderea Chinei în Balcanii de Vest este unul dintre primele 2-3 fenomene care compun matricea geopolitică europenă din ultimii 10-15 ani, ca de altfel și extinderea prezenței economice a Beijingului în vestul continentului nostru.

Winter’s bite is coming: Ukrainians dig in for freeze ahead

Nine-year-old Artem Panchenko helps his grandmother stoke a smoky fire in a makeshift outdoor kitchen beside their nearly abandoned apartment block. The light is falling fast and they need to eat before the setting sun plunges their home into cold and darkness.

Russia Struggles to Mobilize Forces

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been packing Russia’s front lines with demoralized men with little to no military training and scant gear as he scrambles to sustain his military campaign amid mounting battlefield casualties.

The Sources of Russian Misconduct

A Diplomat Defects From the Kremlin

For three years, my workdays began the same way. At 7:30 a.m., I woke up, checked the news, and drove to work at the Russian mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva. The routine was easy and predictable, two of the hallmarks of life as a Russian diplomat.

The Need for Real Leadership: The Cost of Not Supporting Ukraine

The difficult reality is that we may never know what would push Putin to make the decision to go nuclear…. The U.S. objective should be to deter him: make the potential cost to him so high that it would be suicidal for him even to try.

The clearest and most welcome statement was made by Biden himself in March: he stated, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Biden Administration Repeating Obama’s Mistake: Is Biden Being a “Russian Stooge”?

“While the majority of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Parliament chants ‘Death to America’ & supports the Khamenei loyal police for their barbaric actions the leader of the free world (Joe Biden) is silent. Why?” — Iranian Americans for Liberty, Twitter, October 2, 2022.

Nika Shakarami, a 17-year-old girl, was one of the many women who was arrested for burning her hijab. According to the forensic doctor, she was repeatedly raped, beaten and her dead body was delivered to her family with smashed nose and broken skull.