Masacre, jafuri, violuri și niciun ajutor pentru autorități – cum a „menținut pacea” în Mali grupul de mercenari Wagner

Mercenarii din gruparea militară privată Wagner, trimiși oficial în Mali pentru menținerea păcii, au comis, în primul an petrecut în statul african, crime în masă, violuri, jafuri și atacuri asupra civililor, arată un raport întocmit de analiștii implicați în proiectul All Eyes on Wagner (AEOW), scrie publicația rusă independentă Meduza.

Russie-Ukraine : des eurodéputés veulent sanctionner Alger

Dix-sept députés européens demandent à Ursula von der Leyen et à l’Union européenne de réviser l’Accord d’association avec l’Algérie, au motif qu’elle apporterait un « soutien politique, logistique et financier » à la Russie dans la guerre contre l’Ukraine.

Turkey’s Russian-built nuclear plant could amplify Moscow’s regional influence

Some experts are warning that Turkey’s first nuclear power plant, which is being built by Russia’s Rosatom, might become a tool to advance Russian interests in the region.

A potential security threat has emerged for NATO and Europe at large: the construction of Turkey’s first nuclear plant. Experts say the project by Russia and Turkey could allow Moscow to establish a commercial port in Turkey’s Mediterranean province of Mersin. 

Sahara occidental : Staffan de Mistura, mission impossible 2

Why the Country’s Elites Are Struggling to Break With Putin

Even in a war that has gone poorly for Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry’s November 9 announcement of a full retreat from the city of Kherson marked a special kind of disaster. Kherson was the first major Ukrainian city seized by Moscow after the invasion, and it was one of the four regions that Russia had illegally annexed just five weeks earlier, following sham referendums. In October, the city’s occupying authorities had plastered its streets with billboards declaring that Russia would be there “forever,” and Moscow had told Russian citizens that the city’s occupation was one of the war’s major successes. But by the time of the annexation, Russian forces were already struggling to hold their lines in the face of continued Ukrainian advances. Eventually, Russian leaders were forced to withdraw and to shore up defenses around Crimea and in the east.

Russia’s Missing Peacemakers

Why the Country’s Elites Are Struggling to Break With Putin

Even in a war that has gone poorly for Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry’s November 9 announcement of a full retreat from the city of Kherson marked a special kind of disaster. Kherson was the first major Ukrainian city seized by Moscow after the invasion, and it was one of the four regions that Russia had illegally annexed just five weeks earlier, following sham referendums. In October, the city’s occupying authorities had plastered its streets with billboards declaring that Russia would be there “forever,” and Moscow had told Russian citizens that the city’s occupation was one of the war’s major successes. But by the time of the annexation, Russian forces were already struggling to hold their lines in the face of continued Ukrainian advances. Eventually, Russian leaders were forced to withdraw and to shore up defenses around Crimea and in the east.

Wagner Group: The Case For A Terrorist Designation – Analysis

The Wagner Group has been mired in controversy ever since the day of its founding. A Russian paramilitary organization, the mercenary group has conducted operations that the Russian Ministry of Defense has silently approved of while maintaining plausible deniability. After years of denials and silence, the Kremlin has now formally admitted the organization’s existence, despite mercenaries being formally illegal under the Russian constitution.

US Needs To Play Larger Role As Swing Producer Of Oil And Gas in Current Crisis – Analysis

In response to Russian aggression in Ukraine, European nations have drastically reduced imports of crude oil, refined petroleum products, and natural gas from Russia. The 2021 levels of these energy imports were around 2.2 million barrels per day (mbd) of crude oil, 1.2 mbd of refined products, and 155 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas on an annual basis.

Ukraine FM: Moscow playing ‘hunger games’ with world

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba pressed Southeast Asian countries for political and material support in his county’s fight against Russia, while accusing Moscow on Saturday of playing “hunger games” with the world by holding up shipments of Ukrainian grain and other agricultural products.