Throughout Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Kremlin’s disinformation efforts have sought to craft and disseminate false narratives that serve several political goals and influence public opinion about the conflict.
Since April 2022, Russian-backed information manipulation networks online have sought to seed and amplify a number of false narratives regarding Sweden and Finland’s NATO application, which was formally submitted on May 18, 2022.
Many of the false or misleading narratives targeting Sweden are centered around sensitive and polarizing topics in the country related to immigration, Islamophobia, and far-right conspiracy theories.
According to our monitoring, between September 27 – October 3, 2022, posts alleging that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines increased by 15,000% across 25 social media platforms compared to the week prior.
Having useful weapons platforms can do wonders for a country. One nation that is currently reaping the benefits of having such systems available for export currently is Turkey.
Turkey has been able to produce Drones that have proven to be effective in various conflict zones. The TB2 Drone has been used successfully in the Civil War in Libya, The most recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nogorno-Karakbah region and is one of the factors that has changed the initiative in the fighting in Ukraine.
The exposure has been denied by the Empire. But does anyone believe the denial? Not today, none. People across the world have come across such denials many times, and each time all the denials turned out as lies.
Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, devrait rencontrer jeudi à Khartoum les dirigeants militaires du Soudan pour discuter de la Russie et d’autres sujets, a déclaré l’agence de presse étatique SUNA.
« Que vos plans soient sombres et impénétrables comme la nuit, et quand vous vous lancez, frappez comme la foudre. » (Sun Tzu, L’art de la guerre)
Note : la situation sur le terrain a évolué depuis septembre, mais les fondamentaux présentés dans cet article restent valables. Personne ne connaît les objectifs stratégiques de la Russie en Ukraine, la date et le lieu de la « grande offensive » à venir, ni même ses prochains mouvements tactiques, tout cela ne faisant que l’objet de spéculations : ce « brouillard de guerre » délibérément maintenu est une marque de fabrique de la Russie.
Russian authorities are using the threat of new criminal cases to pressure prisoners into joining the Wagner mercenary group, the independent media outlet Agentstvo reported on Wednesday.
Lawyer Yana Gelmel told Agentstvo that the tactic is being used in prisons in the Samara region, the Rostov region, Krasnodar Krai, and the North Caucasus. “Officers from the Interior Ministry or the FSB come and promise to dig up old cases from 10–20 years ago whose statutes of limitations have already expired. They intimidate people, saying they’ll launch proceedings against anybody who refuses to go to war,” Gelmel said.
Fostul premier israelian Naftali Bennett, care a fost mediator între Moscova și Kiev la începutul războiului din Ucraina, în urmă cu un an, a declarat că țările occidentale au blocat negocierile între părțile implicate în conflict. Într-un interviu de 4 ore, fostul premier povestește cum s-au desfășurat lucrurile la acel moment și dezvăluie că au existat „17 sau 18 drafturi” de acord între Rusia și Ucraina în timpul negocierilor.
From the outset of the conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin has calculated that Western support for Ukraine would eventually wane. And, with the Russians reported to be preparing a new spring offensive, any sign of hesitancy by Washington in terms of supporting Ukraine will encourage Putin in the belief that he will meet no meaningful resistance from the Western alliance….
After 11 months of war and nearly four months of relentless Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy sector, the country’s electric grid comes nearer to collapse each day. In addition to its brutal barrages on residential areas, Russia has targeted power plants, substations, and other critical infrastructure that electrifies the country. Ukrainians are now habituated to rolling blackouts, but the electricity supply falls far short of what the country needs, inducing severe economic disruption. Further strikes could cause the total failure of Ukraine’s electric grid, plunging tens of millions of people into darkness.
Presa turcă vorbește de un adevărat asalt diplomatic și nu numai asupra regimului de la Ankara pentru a abandona actuala strategie de lucru cu Rusia și că după ce Germania nu a mai rezistat presiunilor SUA și a dat drumul tancurilor grele Leopard 2 acum urmează Turcia.