Une Russie qui change la donne

Pendant ce temps, des nouvelles du cirque

Alors que l’Amérique est prête à payer pour que le dernier Ukrainien meure pour elle, le monde occidental parle d’autre chose : Harry Windsor a révélé le secret de famille. Le secret de famille était que Harry est un idiot, dont les ficelles sont tirées par une actrice américaine. Maintenant, le secret est révélé. Harry a lui-même révélé au monde entier qu’il est un idiot dont les ficelles sont tirées par une actrice américaine.

Evgueni Prigojine : « La tâche principale dans toute guerre est de détruire l’armée ennemie »

La SMP « Wagner » est une société militaire privée fondée, financée et dirigée par Evgueni Prigojine, homme d’affaires et aventurier quelque peu hors normes. Le fait que ce soit une société privée ne veut pas dire qu’elle soit sans foi ni loi – ni surtout sans patrie : la SMP Wagner travaille uniquement pour la Russie et non au plus offrant, elle a finalement contribué à évincer la France d’un certain nombre de pays africains ou proche-orientaux, de la Syrie au Mali, ce que les diplomates et la presse française ne digèrent pas, sûrs qu’ils étaient de leur mainmise sur la « françafrique ».

Controversial Russian frigate sails into Cape Town harbour ahead of contentious war games

The Admiral Gorshkov is en route to a joint maritime exercise with South Africa and China off the KZN coast.

The controversial Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov sailed into Cape Town on Monday, and refuelled after a long voyage from Russia. The ship is en route to Durban and Richards Bay to participate in the joint maritime Exercise Mosi II with the South African and Chinese navies.

Burkina Faso, Guinea And Mali Republics Propose Joint Development Partnership – OpEd

Russia has consistently been assisting Republics of Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali in West African region to root out French domination. Burkina Faso and Mali are part of the Sahel-5. Russia has embarked on fighting “neo-colonialism” which it considers a barrier on its way to regain part of Soviet-era influence in and consolidate its relations with Africa.

War Propaganda And Ideology At The Edge Of Oblivion

Within the coming days the cruel Russia-Ukraine War will enter its second year. Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 has triggered a series of global consequences not yet fully understood.[1] Despite intense scrutiny and speculation, no one really knows how it will turn out.[2] One hopes and prays that it will not lead to a nuclear exchange but even that dire eventuality cannot be discounted. Both Russia and Ukraine are supposedly preparing new armies aimed to deliver a knockout blow, both place hope in new weapons, both are desperately looking for more men, both have freed convicts to fight and you can find videos of forced conscription on both sides. Atrocities abound. Both sides search for allies and sources of support worldwide, no matter how marginal.

Burkina Faso: Another Russia-West hotspot?

A weak central government, a fragmented military and Islamic terrorism threaten to turn the Sahel nation into a geopolitical confrontation zone.

  • Two military coups in 2022 highlight political instability, horrendous violence
  • The nation may become the next battleground between Russia and the West
  • Strict military rule is seen as a bulwark against Islamic jihadist groups


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has entered its twelfth month. Reporting on the conflict understandably focuses on the day-to-day fighting and destruction, but it is important for Americans and U.S. policymakers to understand the larger issues raised by the war and the U.S. role in it. The following Defense Priorities analysis aims to improve understanding of these issues and what U.S. policy should prioritize as the war continues.

Map of Ukraine and contested territories

That Time US Forces Tore Hundreds of Russian Wagner Group Mercenaries to Pieces in Syria

It’s been one month since Russia invaded Ukraine. What Vladimir Putin and much of the world originally expected to be a quick and easy victory over their smaller neighbor has rapidly devolved into a military disaster for Russia. The Pentagon estimated more than 7,000 Russian soldiers had been killed since the invasion started, while NATO believes the number could be as high as 15,000. Russian generals continue to die, and reports are describing mass desertions and fratricide on the front lines. As much of the world celebrates the modern David versus Goliath story, cracks in the veneer of Russia’s supposed military might have shone through long before the invasion of Ukraine, and a four-hour battle that unfolded in Syria in 2018 is one of the most striking examples.