Quelles sont les forces qui poussent les États-Unis à une agression militaire internationale croissante ?


Depuis environ deux décennies, nous assistons à une escalade militaire des USA. Les événements qui ont mené à la guerre en Ukraine s’inscrivent dans ce cadre et en représentent une nouvelle étape qualitative. Avant cette guerre, les USA n’intervenaient que contre des pays en voie de développement ayant des forces armées bien inférieures aux leurs et ne possédant pas l’arme nucléaire.

Le Washington Post laisse le dangereux chat de Hersh sortir du sac

Première bombe : le rapport de Seymour Hersh du 8 février selon lequel le président Joe Biden a autorisé le sabotage des pipelines Nord Stream construits pour transporter du gaz russe bon marché vers l’Europe.

Deuxième bombe : Le Washington Post a mis fin aujourd’hui à l’embargo médiatique de l’Establishment sur le rapport accablant de Hersh, mentionnant ses conclusions et incluant même un lien vers son article.

US-trained Afghan special forces recruited by Wagner Group in Ukraine: Report

New reports of US-trained Afghan special forces joining the fight in Ukraine, but on the Russian side, are emerging. The Wagner Group, a Russian private military contractor firm that has played a vital role in the battle for the town of Bakhmut in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, is recruiting Afghan fighters that US special forces spent decades training.

Iran’s pursuit of soft power in the Balkans

The Balkans presents a crucial junction for Tehran as an access point to Western Europe and an avenue for advancing its regional political and economic interests.

The Balkan region is strategically important for western countries as a geographic bloc through which they can increase their influence in former Soviet Eastern European states, including Russia.

In Munich: West sounds alarm over Global South stances

The recent conference on international security policy focused extensively on the significance of the Global South to the west’s security. As power competition with China and Russia intensifies, the west is compelled to reassess its approach to relations with these countries.

Morocco to Become a Huge U.S. Military Base to Counter Russia in Africa. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

There may be questions about whether Russia is winning the war in Ukraine, but there is no doubt it is winning the global war against the West. And it’s starting in Africa

Pundits have for months claimed that Ukraine has made great advances on the battlefield and taken back considerable swathes of territory that Russia held. While this claim is losing its validity in recent weeks there, most western analysts indulge themselves with their own blinded dogma and refuse to look at the bigger Ukraine war: commonly known as the ‘global south’ but in reality is actually just the ‘rest of the world’ beyond the boundaries of so-called western countries.

The World Teetering on the New Polycentric Geopolitics

The world is yet to see how dangerous the decade before us will be, what the new global geopolitical architecture will look like and who is to build it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov mentioned in his address to his colleagues on 10 February 2023 in Moscow: “All of us are professionals and we are well aware this is certainly not an exaggeration.” Lavrov elaborated on the remark made by Vladimir Putin that this is a historic crossroads for the world and that the most important, the most uncertain decade as well as the most dangerous decade since the Second World War is ahead of us. His opponents tend to express rather similar sentiments. Strangely enough, when one shakes off the mirage of propaganda slogans galore, the deep-seated and growing pessimism is almost palpable as for which side of the crossroads ahead will hugely benefit from it all. Namely, Martin Wolf, the chief columnist in Financial Times in the economy section and one of the most influential world economists according to Bloomberg, says that this is a moment of overwhelming fear but also that of a vague hope. Once an avid advocate of globalization and deregulation based on the U.S. neoliberal model, he seems to have revised and conveniently adapted his views in the meantime.