Studiu american: SUA nu se pot baza decât pe România pentru contracararea Rusiei la Marea Neagră

RAND Corporation, o organizaţie care a realizat un studiu comandat de autorităţile americane, susţine că ar fi necesare o serie de ajustări ale strategiei aliate la Marea Neagră, în contextul unei agresiuni ruseşti tot mai evidente în zonă. În plus, una dintre concluzii ar fi că, în prezent, SUA nu se pot baza decât pe România pentru contracararea Rusiei la Marea Neagră.

6 Russian military officers charged in vast hacking campaign

The Justice Department announced charges Monday against Russian intelligence officers in cyberattacks that targeted a French presidential election, the Winter Olympics in South Korea and American businesses. The case implicates the same Kremlin unit that interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections, but is not related to the November vote.

Can Russia Steer the Endgame in Nagorno-Karabakh to Its Advantage?

Until late last month, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh had been mostly frozen, with occasional skirmishes, for over a quarter of a century. One notable exception was the April 2016 “four-day war,” a brief but intense period of fighting that left over 200 people dead and was followed by claims of victory from both sides. The recent fighting that erupted on Sept. 27 has been much more intense; over 600 soldiers have been killed on the Armenian side alone, along with scores of civilians and an undisclosed number of Azerbaijani personnel.