When a President Lies

“Did you, too, O friend,
suppose democracy was only for
elections, for politics, and for a party name?”

– Walt Whitman, “Democratic Vistas” (1871)

Joe Biden received much media praise for his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin on June 16th. However, little attention has been paid to an issue posed by an Associate Press reporter in a press conference following the meeting: “U.S. intelligence has said that Russia tried to interfere in the last two presidential elections, and that Russia groups are behind hacks like SolarWinds and some of the ransomware attacks you just mentioned.”

What Did the Biden-Putin Summit Mean for Syria ?

Analysts cannot offer any definitive indications about the fate of the Syrian issue after the summit between president Joe Biden, and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Reports hinted, however, at the possibility of cooperation between the two countries.

Some reports described the Biden-Putin meeting as a pragmatic summit, while other analysts described the meeting as a “red line summit” that was demanded by the two presidents, asserting that the Syrian issue was at the bottom of the agenda.

Some US allies near Russia are wary of Biden-Putin summit

Central and Eastern European nations are anxious about the coming summit meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, wary of what they see as hostile intentions from the Kremlin.

Some in the countries that once were part of the Soviet Union or the Moscow-led Warsaw Pact during the Cold War worry that Washington could scale down support for its allies in the region in a bid to secure a more stable and predictable relationship with Russia.

Biden, unlike predecessors, has maintained Putin skepticism

President Joe Biden frequently talks about what he sees as central in executing effective foreign policy: building personal relationships.

But unlike his four most recent White House predecessors, who made an effort to build a measure of rapport with Vladimir Putin, Biden has made clear that the virtue of fusing a personal connection might have its limits when it comes to the Russian leader.

Biden rallies NATO support ahead of confrontation with Putin

President Joe Biden used his first appearance at a NATO summit since taking office to call on Russian President Vladimir Putin to step back from provocative actions targeting the U.S. and its allies on Monday. NATO leaders joined the United States in formally accusing Moscow and Beijing of malign actions.

Biden’s sharp words for Russia and his friendly interactions with NATO allies marked a sharp shift in tone from the past four years and highlighted the renewed U.S. commitment to the 30-country alliance that was frequently maligned by predecessor Donald Trump.

Russian Middle East Expert Mirzayan: Let Turkey Choke On Idlib

In an investigative report for RIA Novosti titled “Acting as if It Owned the Place, Turkey Occupies Foreign Lands” Kseniya Melnikova describes how Turkey is consolidating its control over Northern Syria. Turkey was making the region part of Turkey by imposing its curriculum, connecting the region to the Turkish power grid and distributing identity cards while invalidating Syrian issued documents. The Assad government protests but is basically helpless. Melnikova hopes that Russia will curb Turkey’s actions and compel it to leave Syria. Middle East expert Gevorg Mirzayan considers Turkey to be a rival of Russia and has no love for Turkish President Recep Erdogan. However, instead of advocating Russian intervention like Melnikova, he diabolically recommends allowing Turkey to strengthen its hold in Idlib Province. This would prod the Iranians, who have been happy to see Russia do the heavy lifting, to deter Turkey not only in Syria but in the Caucasus. The Arabs will be up in arms against Turkey as they see Turkey encroaching on Arab land. Turkey will be under constant threat of a war, in which its NATO allies will abandon it.

For the U.S. and Russia, ‘Stable and Predictable’ Would Be a Good Start

When U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met last month with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in Reykjavik, it prompted inevitable comparisons with another high-level encounter in Iceland’s capital: the famous October 1986 summit between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev that set the stage for the thawing of the Cold War.

Putin says US threats smack of Soviet Union’s fatal mistakes

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the United States was wrong to think that it is “powerful enough” to get away with threatening other countries, a mistake, he said, that led to the downfall of the former Soviet Union.

Putin made the comments during a press briefing late on Friday as he spoke about U.S. sanctions against Moscow, according to Russia’s news agency TASS.

Suflete moarte: deznaționalizarea elitelor

Au trecut 25 de ani de când Samuel Huntington publica ”Ciocnirea Civilizațiilor”. Atunci, în România s-au iscat mari polemici legate de linia de falie din Europa, trasată de Huntington fie pentru a exclude România din ”Lumea Vestică”, fie pentru a include doar Transilvania în Occident. Fie că teoria lui Huntington a influențat sau reflecta politica oficială a puterilor vestice, fie că a fost vorba doar de nevolnicia liderilor români, cert este că, după 25 de ani, linia roșie a lui Huntington nu este întreruptă măcar de o autostradă care să treacă Carpații.