Russia: ‘Foreign Agents’, ‘Undesirable Organizations’, And Freedom Of Religion Or Belief

Russia has used increasingly strict legislation on “foreign agents” (a term which has connotations of spying) and “undesirable organisations” to curtail, complicate, or prohibit the activities of organisations which promote human rights and monitor their violation, including that of freedom of religion and belief. This “indirectly affects the people human rights defenders stand up for”, says Aleksandr Verkhovsky of the SOVA Centre for Information and Analysis (branded a “foreign agent”). The Justice Ministry and prosecutors are seeking through the courts to close down the Memorial Human Rights Centre (also branded a “foreign agent”), partly for its monitoring of criminal prosecutions of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Va fi sau nu va fi război?

Idei principale:

Tratatul și acordul propuse de Rusia Statelor Unite și NATO sunt mai degrabă ultimatumuri, dar ce prevederi conțin ele?

Cum dorește Putin să arate arena internațională?

Ciclurile din istoria Rusiei și dorința de revanșă

Putin vrea să împartă lumea în sfere de influență după modelul Molotov-Ribbentrop

De ce a acceptat administrația Biden să negocieze cu Kremlinul

De ce este importantă Ucraina pentru Rusia

Care sunt liniile roșii ale Rusiei și la ce sunt ele bune

Situația politică internă din Ucraina

Cât de puternică este astăzi armata ucraineană după șapte ani de modernizare

De ce Putin crede că o Ucraină pro-occidentală nu există, și doar una pro-rusească

Concluziile după video-conferința Biden-Putin

Cum s-ar putea încheia negocierile cu Rusia de la Geneva și Bruxelles?

Va renunța NATO la Deveselu ca să calmeze Rusia?

Putin To Mull Options If West Doesn’t Meet ‘Security Guarantees’

President Vladimir Putin has said he would ponder various options if the West fails to meet Moscow’s demands for security guarantees, amid heightened tensions involving a massive deployment of Russian troops near Ukraine.

Moscow earlier this month submitted draft security documents demanding an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and military cooperation with countries such as Ukraine and Georgia, among other things.

Russia Is Playing With Fire in the Balkans

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Yugoslav wars, Europe’s bloodiest conflict since World War II. Although the Balkan states moved toward democratic governance and integration with NATO and the European Union in the immediate aftermath of the wars, consistent neglect on the part of the West has contributed to a dramatic backsliding in recent years. Now Russian President Vladimir Putin is seizing his opportunity and using the former Yugoslav states as the next battlefield to weaken NATO and the European Union.

The World Is Slowly Heating Up For Conflict With Russia, Iran, And China At Its Head

NATO’s Weakness Invites Russian Aggression

“Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.” -Artistotle

In September, we ran a story about the think tank, RAND, and their war game after an action that essentially proved NATO, like a pearl of wisdom in Congress, is powerless against Russia if they were to take any military action towards Europe.

Without adequate ground forces to slow the attack’s momentum, there was no way for NATO to halt the Russian assault.

NATO Secretary General Discusses Ukraine Situation With Prime Minister Of Romania

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Prime Minister of Romania, Nicolae Ciucă, to NATO headquarters on Tuesday. The Secretary General congratulated Ciucă for his appointment as Prime Minister, as well as praising Romania’s contributions to the Alliance, including for playing an essential role in the Black Sea region. Stoltenberg also welcomed Romania’s efforts to help build stability in the Western Balkans, and its support to NATO’s partners, including to Moldova and Ukraine.

Russia-China Alliance Poses Defining Challenge For The West

Russian President Vladimir Putin had been isolated on Ukraine in a series of major summits throughout December, but that changed significantly on Wednesday when his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping offered his strong support, strengthening an emerging Moscow-Beijing axis.

The Chinese premier’s alliance with Putin — one of the key factors emboldening Russian foreign policy in recent years — has significant implications not only for geopolitics but also the global economy. With both men potentially in power until well into the 2030s, they may well be seen by future historians as the two dominant figures in international relations in the first three to four decades of the 21st century.

Russian President’s Significant Political Reachout To India – India

Cognizant of India’s growing strategic denouement with Russia, visibly so in 2021, in wake of Russia’s outsized priority to China and pivot to Pakistan in its South Asian policy formulations, Russian President Putin made a significant six-hour dash to India, to rebalance Russia’s fraying strategic partnership with India on December 06 2021 for a Summit Meet with Indian PM Modi and also to mark the initiation of Russia-India 2+2 Dialogue of respective Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers.

Russians Split On Responsibility For Worsening Tensions Over Ukraine – Analysis

Older Russians blame NATO for rising tensions between the Kremlin and Western powers over Ukraine, according to a public survey conducted this week by an independent Moscow-based pollster.

Across all age groups, half of those polled by the Levada Center believe the United States and other NATO nations are “the initiators of the exacerbation of the situation in eastern Ukraine,” while only 4% blamed Russia. Sixteen percent saw Kyiv as being responsible for worsening relations.