Iran and Eurasian Economic Union Negotiations: Upgrading EAEU-Iran Preferential Trade Agreement into a Free Trade Agreement

The EAEU-Iran preferential trade agreement (PTA) implemented on October 27, 2019, offers lower tariffs on 862 commodity types, of which 502 are Iranian exports to the Eurasian Economic Union. This agreement significantly increased the trade volume between Iran and the member countries of the Union. In the period between October 2019 and October 2020, the trade volume grew by more than 84%. Indeed, the trade flows gradually gathered pace and the value of trade between Iran and the members of the EAEU exceeded $1.957 billion in the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21 – August 22, 2021), marking 96 per cent growth compared to the same period of the previous year. As the agreement was designed to be in effect for 3 years, it is to expire on October 5, 2022. For this reason, the parties have recently begun technical and expert negotiations to upgrade the PTA to a free trade agreement (FTA). If this happens, the number of items of the agreement will rise to at least 8000, which is sure to set off a massive increase in the volume of trade between Iran and the Union. Although there are various capacities and advantages between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union, there are also problems that need to be taken seriously in the process of upgrading the EAEU-Iran PTA to an FTA. These include:

Biden’s Latest Mayhem

It should not be surprising that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin believes he can invade Ukraine, a sovereign neighboring nation, and claim it as an historic part of his empire. After all, there is a shameful European history to reflect upon, combined with the most recent actions of the United States under the current White House.

In 1938, Western democracies were more than willing to hand over a free and stable central European nation to Hitler. The Czechs found themselves abandoned and served up on a plate to the Third Reich as Hitler threatened war if the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia was not annexed by Germany. The reason for his demand was that it was territory long populated by many ethnic Germans. (And this may sound disturbingly familiar if you follow Putin’s logic why Ukraine is his, given that part of its diverse population is Russian.)

Blinken Authorizes Baltic Countries to Send US Weapons to Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday he authorized the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to send U.S.-made anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, a move that comes amid Ukraine’s rising tensions with neighboring Russia.

“I expedited and authorized, and we fully endorse transfers of defensive equipment @NATO Allies Estonia Latvia Lithuania are providing to Ukraine to strengthen its ability to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked and irresponsible aggression,” Blinken said in a post on Twitter.

Blinken Rebuffs Calls For Preemptive Sanctions On Russia Over Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has rejected calls for preemptive sanctions against Russia, saying that doing so would undermine the West’s ability to deter Moscow from any further potential aggression against Ukraine.

Russia’s military buildup in occupied Crimea and near Ukraine’s borders has raised alarm bells in Western capitals that an invasion of Ukraine may be imminent. If Russia were to attack Ukraine, the United States and its European allies have vowed crushing economic sanctions. Russia denies it is planning to attack Ukraine.

Israel, Jewish Groups Discuss Airlifting Ukraine’s Jews if Russia Invades

As threat of Russian invasion looms, top officials examine possibility of emergency evacuation for up to 75,000 Ukrainians thought to be eligible for Israeli citizenship under Law of Return

With a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine looming, a briefing held Sunday by top officials in the Israeli government and Jewish organizations discussed the level of threat to Jewish communities in Ukraine and the possibility that Israel will facilitate an evacuation program.

Annad Putinile sõrme, võtab terve käe

Mullu 20. jaanuaril USA presidendiks saanud Joe Bidenist oodati võrreldes tülitekitava ja ettearvamatu Donald Trumpiga palju. Aga Biden pole imet teinud – meie siin Eestis näeme seda enim Venemaa kasvavast ülbusest Ukraina piiril ja NATO-le esitatud ultimaatumist.

Ucraina, cercando il casus belli

Ucraina. Facciamo queste considerazioni non tanto per sottolineare alcune storiche verità, ma sotto l’influsso negativo delle parole usate dal presidente Biden nella sua lunga, imbarazzata conferenza stampa di mercoledì sera alla Casa bianca, tenuta sulla situazione della crisi americana e sull’Ucraina. Che cosa ha detto Biden di tanto terribile?

Jędrzej Bielecki: Ukraina. W chwili próby Unia okazała się impotentem

Wobec groźby rosyjskiej inwazji Bruksela jest tak bezsilna, że nawet nie próbuje wykuć wspólnego stanowiska. Nie zmienią tego najbardziej bujne deklaracje Macrona.

Przywódcy „27″ spotykają się na szczytach cztery razy do roku. Jednak w 2021 r. zorganizowano sześć dodatkowych spotkań, a w 2021 – cztery dodatkowe. Chodziło o covid, relacje z Chinami czy imigrację. Stojąca na czele Wspólnoty od 1 stycznia Francja takiego szczytu w sprawie Ukrainy nie zwołała. Czy groźba największego od drugiej wojny światowej konfliktu zbrojnego w Europie na to nie zasługuje? Szczytu, rzecz jasna, nie ma z innego powodu: kraje Wspólnoty nie są tu w stanie uzgodnić wspólnego stanowiska. Takie spotkanie przekształciłoby się w żenującą kłótnię, jak zareagować na ewentualną rosyjską inwazję na Ukrainę.