Russian Diplomat Andrey Baklanov: Germany’s Defense Minister Should Not Lecture Russia, We Were Victims Of Nazi Germany; ‘Fascist’ Ukrainian Regime Is A Threat To Russia, Seeks To Obtain Nuclear Weapons

Russian Diplomat Ambassador Andrey Baklanov said that Germany and its Minister of Defense do not have the moral ground to condemn Russia’s actions in Ukraine, because Russia was the victim of Nazi Germany and its policies in an interview that aired on Alghad TV (Egypt/UAE) on February 24, 2022.

Putin quer metade da Europa. Nós só queremos duche de água quente?

Se a Europa não se der ao respeito através da reconfiguração da sua política de segurança e energética, todos os países do ex-Pacto de Varsóvia sentirão um medo constante e, nesse medo, as forças extremistas e pró-russas ganharão ainda mais peso, criando assim o sonho de Putin: dividir a Europa nas velhas fronteiras da CEE

Kommentti: Ukrainan sota on Putinin sota – tehtiinkö päätös sen aloittamisesta jo joulukuussa?

Venäjän presidentti ajoi johdonmukaisesti tilanteen tähän, kirjoittaa Ilta-Sanomien ulkomaanuutisten tuottaja Jari Alenius.

Euroopassa soditaan, eikä tällä kertaa ole kyseessä mikään paikallinen etninen teurastus, vaan suurvaltapolitiikkaan kytkeytyvä, maanosan kahden pinta-alaltaan suurimman maan välienselvittely. Vakavin sitten toisen maailmansodan.

Putin’s Long Game in Ukraine

How the West Can Still Protect Kyiv

Russian President Vladimir Putin appears poised to launch a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. He has amassed troops near the border, spurned Western attempts at a diplomatic resolution, and most recently recognized the independence of the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, with Russian troops and weapons entering the region soon after. U.S. President Joe Biden has called Russia’s move into the Donbas an “undeniable invasion,” and announced a set of sanctions on Russian financial institutions, sovereign debt, and individuals. These were interim steps; Biden warned that more sanctions will follow should Russia continue to escalate the crisis. Berlin has also halted the certification of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline linking Russian natural gas to Germany, marking a major shift in its policy toward Russia and sounding a warning to Putin that his aggression is alienating the country, along with others in Europe.

Mister Hemedti Goes To Moscow

One would think that Russia was busy with other matters, but on February 20, 2022 – at the height of the Ukraine Crisis – the Sudanese Foreign Ministry announced that the Vice Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo “Hemedti” would travel to Moscow at the end of the week and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov.[1] It is the first visit by a senior Sudanese official to Russia since the October 25, 2021 military coup in Sudan which removed the civilian part of the Sudanese government under Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok.