Pourquoi l’Occident est-il si faible (et la Russie si forte) ? Le rôle du capital humain et de l’éducation occidentale


Il devient de plus en plus évident pour un nombre croissant de personnes en Occident que quelque chose a terriblement mal tourné avec le projet ukrainien. Les prédictions et les projections ne se sont pas réalisées et l’Occident ne semble pas savoir quoi faire. L’économie russe n’était pas un château de cartes comme on l’avait prédit, les armes russes n’étaient pas inférieures comme on l’avait prédit, les soldats et les commandants russes n’étaient pas incompétents comme on l’avait prédit, et la technologie russe n’était pas inférieure comme on l’avait prédit.

L’échiquier mondial : Les enjeux militaro-économiques de la mer Noire


La mer Noire, traditionnellement zone de prospérité avec d’abondantes ressources agricoles mais aussi zone de transit énergétique nécessaire à l’Europe depuis la destruction des gazoducs Nord Stream, est devenue une zone d’affrontement. Le 19 juillet 2023, le ministère de la Défense russe a déclaré que tous les navires naviguant en mer Noire vers les ports ukrainiens seront considérés comme des transporteurs potentiels de cargaison militaire.



Alexander Dugin
Once we have established ourselves as a sovereign civilization, we need to change the dominant discourse. What everyone was afraid or embarrassed to say before (what the world community will think of us in the West …) must now be stated clearly and openly.

So let’s say: we urgently need to begin the revival of the Russian people.


Alexander Prokhanov
Russia is in dire need of an ideology capable of fighting the enemy on an invisible battlefield.

Yeltsin destroyed the Soviet Union, and with it the communist ideology. The ideologues of victorious liberalism – Gaidar and Chubais – built a country that resembled an ugly caricature of the victorious Western civilization.

Prigozhin’s Mutiny Shatters Illusion of Powerful Media Empire


Prigozhin’s media empire was conceived as a contractor that would perform functions for the state while remaining under external management. But it turns out that receiving billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money is no guarantee of either effectiveness or loyalty.

Rewriting Russia’s Pursuits in the Middle East

In an interview, Leonid Nersisyan examines Moscow’s stakes in the Levant and North Africa in light of the stalemated war in Ukraine.

Leonid Nersisyan is a defense analyst focusing on the foreign and military policy of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States region. He also follows the defense industry in general, as well as armed conflict and arms control. Nersisyan is a research fellow at the Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Diwan interviewed Nersisyan in July to get his perspective on how the Ukraine war and its repercussions have affected Russia’s defense posture in the Middle East.

Fact-checking : l’influence russe sur l’Afrique

La Russie cherche à gagner de l’influence en Afrique de plusieurs manières, qu’il s’agisse de campagnes de désinformation ou de l’envoi de mercenaires de Wagner.

Une étude récemment publiée

par le Centre d’études stratégiques de l’Afrique, montre que la Russie tente de saper la démocratie dans plus de deux douzaines de pays africains. Les principaux outils utilisés sont l’ingérence politique, les revendications extraconstitutionnelles de pouvoir et la désinformation. Dans certains cas, ces outils fonctionnent.

Ukraine And The World Order – OpEd

As the Cold War began to wane, multipolarism became a rallying cry for everyone sick and tired of superpower politics, nuclear standoffs, and the banal bipolarism of Soviet misinformation and American propaganda.

This “rise of the rest” was prefigured in the Non-Aligned Movement that began in 1961, the New International Economic Order that the United Nations launched in the 1970s, the consolidation of an economically powerful East Asia and a single European market in the 1980s, and the south-south cooperation that emerged in the 1990s. By the early 2000s, after a couple of papers by Morgan Stanley, of all places, the BRICS bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa was christened and then institutionalized.

Wagner Group Operations In Belarus: ‘Welcome to Hell’

Since its mutiny, the Russian private military company “Wagner Group” has redeployed to Belarus and is now training troops near the Polish border while President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko makes belligerent statements. However, Telegram channels, including that of Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin, as well others reporting on Wagner Group and Belarus, report that Wagner Group personnel are also training Belarussian internal security forces.