Continuă bătălia pentru Africa

La data de 12 aprilie, Camerun a semnat un acord de cooperare militară cu Rusia. Potrivit unor surse ale Africanews, acest acord se înscrie în conceptul de continuitate a legăturii militare dintre cele două țări, cooperare vizibilă de mai mulți ani, accentul fiind pus recent pe revizuirea acordului militar semnat în 2015.

Ucraina: imperiu rezidual post-sovietic sau stat-națiune?

Ucraina cere garanții. Rusia cere garanții. Ce garanții primește, însă, România? Este „Ucraina Mare”, respectiv succesoarea Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Ucraina, cu economia pe butuci, dar înarmată până în dinți de SUA & Co., vecinul dorit deopotrivă al României, UE și NATO, în condițiile unei Rusii înfrânte, unmilite și slăbite? Este vremea ca rațiunea să ia locul emoției! În orice caz, este vremea să luăm în serios Tratatul politic de bază româno-ucrainean!

Битва за Донбасс. Чем все закончится

Наступление на восточные регионы Украины грозит обернуться для России гигантской военной катастрофой

Продолжается подготовка к битве за Донбасс, которую многие военные эксперты называют, пожалуй, решающим сражением той войны, которую Путин развязал против Украины 24 февраля 2022 года. По последним сообщениям, Россия продолжает наращивать свое военное присутствие в городе Изюм, к северу от него, через город Купянск, постоянно идут целые караваны с вооружением и военной техникой. Также есть информация, что туда переброшена Тульская 106-ая дивизия ВДВ, а десантники — это штурмовые войска, то есть как раз с их помощью собираются штурмовать оборонительные позиции украинской армии южнее Изюма.

Mali : Bamako reçoit de nouveaux hélicoptères et radars russes

Les militaires au pouvoir à Bamako ont annoncé avoir reçu de nouveaux équipements russes, dont deux appareils de combat et des radars de surveillance.

Cité dans un communiqué de la Direction de l’information et des relations publique des armées (Dirpa), le général de division Oumar Diarra n’a pas manqué de se réjouir. « C’est la manifestation d’un partenariat très fructueux avec l’État russe », a déclaré le chef d’état-major général de l’armée malienne précisant qu’il s’agissait d’un « deuxième lot d’équipements militaires en provenance de la Russie ».

How Ukraine Can Build Back Better

Use the Kremlin’s Seized Assets to Pay for Reconstruction

The world’s attention has understandably been focused on the military side of the war in Ukraine. But in the next stage, the political-economic strategy may be decisive. As Tacitus once wrote of the Roman strategy in Britain, “they make a desolation and they call it peace.” Russia aims to do this to Ukraine not only with missile strikes and atrocities against civilians, but also by destroying the country’s economy. Its goal is not just Ukraine’s physical destruction, it is also to grind down the country’s hopes.

That ‘Liberal, Post-Modern’ Life

It was aimed at explaining – and insulting – Russians but it wound up illuminating a lot more beyond Russia. In an April 12 interview on German television, German researcher Florence Gaub (a citizen of both Germany and France) said the following:

“We should not forget that, even if Russians look European, they are not European. In a cultural sense, they think differently about violence or death. They have no concept of a liberal, post-modern life. A concept of life than each individual can choose. Instead, life can end early with death. Russian life expectancy is quite low, you know, 70 years for men. That is why they treat death differently, that people simply die.”[1]

With Russian Route Blocked, Uzbekistan Looks to Indian-Iranian-Afghan Chabahar Port Project

The Russo-Ukraine war, the extensive Western sanctions against Russia, and the growing possibility that European border states will block east-west transit corridors traversing Russian territory into Europe are having far-reaching implications for the landlocked countries of Central Asia, which have historically relied on road and rail corridors through Russia to reach markets there and beyond. Prior to the war, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus had all hoped to be part of the “New Eurasian Land Bridge” linking Europe to East Asia. But those aims were derailed when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the full-scale re-invasion of Ukraine on February 24. This has created a severe headache for China, endangering as it does its Belt and Road Initiative’s (BRI) northern route, which crossed Russia and the Black Sea via Central Asia (South China Morning Post, March 12).

Kosovo welcomes first Ukrainian journalist refugee

Open Democracy journalist Lyudmila Makey is the first Ukrainian journalist displaced by the war to move to Kosovo under the ‘Journalist in Residence’ scheme.

“I thank all of you for enabling me to come to Kosovo. This programme will allow me to continue to work as a journalist. I am deeply touched by the fact that complete strangers want to help us,” Makey said upon her arrival in Pristina.

Petition against Russia sanctions presented in Belgrade

A petition against imposing sanctions on Russia was presented in Belgrade on Monday after signatures were collected from 200 public figures, including the academics Matija Becković, Kosta Čavoški and Vasilije Krestić, Serbian Orthodox Church bishops Irinej and David, filmmaker Emir Kusturica and former ambassador to Russia, Slavenko Terzić.

Bulgarians reject Russia as model state

Only a quarter of Bulgarians trust Russian President Vladimir Putin as support for him has continued to decline since the start of the war, a nationally representative survey by Alpha Research has found.

The drop in Putin’s rating in Bulgaria in just one year is remarkable – a year ago, his positive rating was 55%. Now 61% of Bulgarians distrust the Russian president.