French renewable energy giant expands presence in Finland

French company Neoen, one of the world’s leading independent producers of renewable energy and Finsilva, one of the largest private forest owners in Europe, signed a cooperation agreement to survey the large-scale utilisation of solar power in Finland on Monday.

Korpus potrzebuje rąk

NATO, idąc do przodu z rozeznaniem zagrożeń, zawsze stawia o dwa kroki za mało. Nie z braku odwagi, ale z wewnętrznej różnicy interesów.

Nie przyłączę się do chóru entuzjastów ustaleń madryckiego szczytu NATO. Owszem, nie zapiszę się też do klubu tych, którzy całkowicie lekceważą postanowienia, jakie tam zapadły. Ale mimo wszystko „najpotężniejszy sojusz wojskowy w historii” stać na jeszcze więcej.

The Woke Inquisitors Have Come for the Freethinking Heretics

Once governments normalize censorship and the punishment of points of view, free expression is firmly stamped with an expiration date.

Whenever censorship slithers back into polite society, it is always draped in the mantle of “good intentions.” Fifteenth-century Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola’s “bonfire of the vanities” destroyed anything that could be seen to invite or reflect sin. The notorious 1933 Nazi book burning… in Berlin torched some 20,000 books deemed subversive or “un-German”. During Communist China’s decade-long Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and ’70s, the vast majority of China’s traditional scrolls, literature and religious antiquities went up in smoke.

Noua ordine mondială: Călăreții Apocalipsei – ciclul pandemie, război, foamete, moarte – distrug complet hegemonia occidentală!

Puternica imagine din Vechiul Testament a celor patru călăreți ai Apocalipsei a fost readusă în discuție în mod repetat atunci când omenirea s-a confruntat cu pericole și război. Profeții Ezechiel și Zaharia au descris cei patru călăreți ai apocalipsei ca fiind: ciuma, războiul, foametea și în cele din urmă moartea.

Conflict Trends Update


Authorities found 51 migrants dead of heat exhaustion, dehydration and related causes in the back of an airless lorry abandoned on an interstate highway near San Antonio, Texas, on Monday. Most of the migrants – men, women and children – were from Mexico and Central America. It is the deadliest single human smuggling incident in U.S. history, coming amid a surge of attempted border crossings. Crisis Group expert Tiziano Breda says the horrific incident illustrates the impossibility of suppressing northward migration in the Americas when Mexicans, Central Americans and others are willing to take such risks to escape increasing privation and violent crime in their home countries.

The Culture Wars Are Back Again

A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that more than six in 10 Americans (61%) now have little or no confidence in the Supreme Court after its decision Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade — a near-total reversal from the 70% of voters who expressed at least some confidence in the court right before conservative justices gained a 6-3 majority with the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett in October 2020.

Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine, and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward – Part 4B

Part 4. Mental escalators of violence in US policy and media makers. Part 4B. A competitive, threat-orientation towards international relations: Psychological patterns described by Lakoff, Spranger, and Allport

False Bias #2. Life Is Competition; the Goal Is to Beat Adversaries and Stay on Top. Let’s take a look at actual, representative lines from Damon Wilson’s 2019 testimony, two years before he became president of the National Endowment for “Democracy,” and three years before Russia’s military action in Donetsk, Lugansk, and Ukraine. As we do so in this and the next several essays, I’ll point out several biases that I find in Wilson’s way of thinking, a pattern of thinking common to many of the minds that are forever leading our foreign policy. These biases of thought—cognitive biases—skew the mind and allow only certain perceptions of life, international relations, and human dynamics. I write about them at greater length and with more examples in my unpublished works, but I’ll provide some condensed ideas here.

The triumphs and question marks from this week’s NATO summit

This summer blockbuster lived up to the hype. In Madrid this week, NATO allies substantially boosted their forces in Eastern Europe, struck a deal to invite Sweden and Finland into the club, and dropped a once-in-a-decade strategic concept that strove to break new ground on China and climate change. What do these developments mean—and which ones flew under the radar? How will history judge this consequential gathering? From Madrid to Washington, our experts are here with answers.