Allies, Partners And Friends: Hedging Against American ‘Global’ Leadership

America’s allies are hedging against current American approaches to exercise global leadership, mostly in response to its casual abandonment of Afghanistan after two decades of war that cost over $2 Trillion.

Adding to their unease with Washington was the abandonment of over $7 billion of military equipment to the Taliban, and the State Department’s admission that the U.S. had refused to negotiate with Russia about keeping Ukraine out of NATO, arguably forcing Russia’s hand.

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

International Relations Theory Suggests Great-Power War Is Coming

This week, thousands of university students around the world will begin their introduction to international relations courses for the first time. If their professors are attuned to the ways the world has changed in recent years, they will be teaching them that the major theories of international relations warn that great-power conflict is coming.

Why US hegemony is incompatible with a ‘rules-based international order’

A bad argument for invading the Solomon Islands reflects the inherent conflict between America’s dominance and its purported liberal values.

There is no shortage of bad ideas circulating in U.S. foreign policy discourse. On occasion, however, a particularly poor argument can be helpful insofar as it reveals something noteworthy about the assumptions and ideology that produced it.

Quelle place pour la sobriété dans nos modes de vie ?

Changement climatique, déclin rapide et massif des espèces, recul continu du jour du dépassement, accroissement des inégalités… À mesure que les signaux d’alerte sociaux et environnementaux se multiplient, nos modes de développement apparaissent de plus en plus incompatibles avec un avenir positif et durable.

O introducere în economia orwelliană: Sărăcia este Abundență, Datoria este Creștere, Consumul este Producție, Recesiunea este Depresie!

Definițiile cuvintelor sunt absolut esențiale, deoarece dacă nu înțelegem exact și precis ce înseamnă cuvintele, nu putem comunica între noi. Schimbarea subtilă și în timp a definițiilor nu poate duce decât la o lipsă de înțelegere și la confuzie. Acest lucru echivalează cu o putere, indiferent de unde provine, care încurajează idiocrația generalizată.

Με το φυσικό αέριο ποντάρουμε σε λάθος άλογο

Αυτή τη φορά έλειψαν οι ενθουσιασμοί και οι μεγαλόστομες ανακοινώσεις για τις ποσότητες φυσικού αερίου που περιέχει ο «Κρόνος». Ίσως γιατί έχουμε κουραστεί να ακούμε για φυσικό αέριο και φυσικό αέριο να μην βλέπουμε.

Are we sleepwalking into an energy crisis?

Most people are fully aware of the impact of inflation on their everyday shopping experience. Yet, few worry too much about the eerie normality at the fuel stations when they fill up their cars. Similarly, electricity bills are priced the same as before the pandemic and before the turmoil in the international gas and oil markets caused by the Ukraine war.