Assassination of Regime Militia Leaders

Local networks reported that the assassination of Amer al-Nassar took place on Sunday, according to Enab Baladi.

Amer al-Nassar, nicknamed “The Colonel,” a militia commander in Daraa, was killed by direct fire while he was in a house in the city of al-Hara, northwest of Daraa.

Losing Faith?

When one thinks of US Partners in the Middle East which relationship is the most crucial right now? Which relationship currently causes the most controversy? The same answer to each question will often arise. Some will say Israel others will say Saudi Arabia. The same answers will arise when one asks which one is the most controversial as well with Turkey being added.

Memorialistica hagiografică a domnului Virgil Măgureanu

(Note de lectură la Lavinia Betea, Virgil Măgureanu, „Ce s-a întâmplat de fapt / Un dialog despre perioada postdecembristă”,Editura RAO, București 2022). Sunt, de peste patru decenii, un observator atent , consecvent, uneori critic, dar sincer pasionat, al operei și manifestărilor publice ale domnului Virgil Măgureanu.

On the Third World Colonialism

Bryan Pfaffenberger and his stock are continuing the Western traditions of confusing or at the least misunderstanding the life in South Asia, its various nations and cultures, as also the values, and make much ado about the ‘Fourth World Colonialism’.1 We are to encounter many apparitions which the myth-making of the Western scholarship has unleashed in the conceptual forms of the ‘Aryan’, ‘Dravidian’, ‘Hindu’, ‘Hindustan’, ‘Indian Nationhood’ and the like, and the communalisation of the subcontinent’s politics on the basis of these fantasies.

Can Europe Survive This Moment?

A new-old ghost is hovering over Europe—war. The most violent continent in the world in terms of the number of deaths caused by warfare during the last 100 years (not to go back any further and include the deaths suffered by Europe during religious wars and the deaths inflicted by Europeans on peoples subjected to colonialism) is heading for a new war.

Libertatea și datoria – Andrei Marga

Ceea ce s-a petrecut și se petrece în societățile modernității târzii nu lasă neschimbată înțelegerea valorilor. Ca urmare, și valorile moderne se pot apăra astăzi doar aducându-le la zi.

Bunăoară, în deceniile postbelice, s-au acumulat învățături importante cu privire la libertate ca esență a modernității. Două sunt primordiale.

The Notion of “Turan” in Eurasianism of the 1920s

The paired concept of “Iran” and “Turan” has undergone many modifications in history. Its classical use is associated with the medieval Persian epic, in particular, with Firdausi, where “Iran” was understood as a state of sedentary farmers, and “Turan” as a world of nomads of Central Asia (in antiquity—Iranian-speaking, and since the 6th century A.D.—Turkic-speaking and Mongol-speaking). As applied to antiquity, it was thus a question of the opposition between the Western Iranian and Eastern Iranian (in the linguistic sense) worlds.

Les guerres de l’OTAN

Les journaux titrent « La guerre en Europe » se gardant bien de préciser que cette guerre en Ukraine n’a pas démarré le 24 février 2022. En informateurs zélés au service de leurs sponsors occidentaux, ils passent sous silence que cette guerre n’est pas non plus la première en Europe depuis 1945. Une guerre atroce a accompagné dès 1992 le démantèlement de l’ex-Yougoslavie avec en point d’orgue les bombardements sur Belgrade en 1999.

L’anglo-sionisme et la confédération européenne

Introduction : Les origines de l’anglo-sionisme

Lorsque j’ai découvert le Saker en 2014, j’ai tout de suite découvert son terme de génie « anglo-sionisme ». Après tout, c’est exactement ce dont il s’agit. C’est l’anglo-sionisme qui empoisonne le puits européen depuis plus de 300 ans. Les banquiers qui ont quitté Venise pour Amsterdam, puis se sont installés à Londres, après avoir financé leur agent, le sanguinaire anglo Cromwell, et ont ainsi placé la monarchie anglaise sous le contrôle des marchands-banquiers (« parlementaires »), en fondant la Banque d’Angleterre en 1694 et en soudoyant les Écossais pour qu’ils s’unissent en 1707, étaient sionistes.