The Prisoner Dilemma: Insurrectionary Anarchism and the Cospito Affair

Abstract: Italy is a crucial epicenter of insurrectionary anarchism, a transnational extremist tendency that promotes “self-organized” illegal and violent actions, even against people. In particular, over the last two decades, dozens of acts of violence, including letter bombs, homemade bombs, and shootings, have been claimed under the banner of the Informal Anarchist Federation (Federazione Anarchica Informale, FAI), a loosely connected network that has also fostered relationships with likeminded groups abroad. The Italian counterterrorism system has successfully addressed this threat with aggressive rules, measures, and practices, that, in part, derive directly or indirectly from the long fight against the Mafia. However, today Italian authorities face a new challenge, posed by the case of Alfredo Cospito, an influential exponent of the FAI network who started an indefinite hunger strike in prison in October 2022. The handling of the Cospito affair highlights the complex political, legal, and ethical dilemmas that liberal democracies have to address in combating terrorism.

The World Economic Forum and the West’s Next Act?

[E]conomic writer Charles Hugh Smith has repeatedly warned [about] the “crapification” of the U.S. economy…. customers with scant other buying options are forced to accept that few purchases will last.

Politicians seem to be heading in a similar direction…. Western governments are filled to the brim with people entirely lacking in real-world experience or specialized knowledge.

Biden’s $1 trillion budget for world war

The White House unveiled its budget request for the 2024 fiscal year Thursday, with the largest ever proposed spending on the military. It is a $1 trillion budget for world war. The Biden administration wants the resources to fight Russia in Ukraine, intensify its buildup towards war with China in the Far East and sustain US military aggression in the Middle East.

Global trends in counter-terrorism

Implications for human rights in Africa

Terrorism and the ‘war’ on it have been at the centre of international politics for the past 20 years. Terrorism was a reality in Africa long before it shot to the top of the international agenda with the 9/11 attacks on the United States in 2001 and it constitutes a far more serious threat today. In the intervening period, laws, policies, practices and institutions have proliferated around the world and across the continent, with the stated objective of countering ‘terrorism’, ‘extremism’ and an ever broader range of related threats.

The Complex Interplay Between Globalization And Terrorism: Analysis Of Relationship And Implications For Security Studies


Globalization has now covered the entire globe, extending and occurring on the most significant national and international agendas. The process of globalization contains tremendous improvements amongst nations throughout the world, such as technical, economic, cultural, and scientific advancements, but it is also viewed as a danger by many countries.

The Growing Concern Over Older Far-Right Terrorists: Data from the United Kingdom

Abstract: Recent attacks, disrupted plots, and arrests in Europe and the United States have suggested that the terrorist threat posed by older extreme far-right individuals might be increasing. A deep dive into the United Kingdom, which has seen five attacks by extreme far-right men over the age of 47 since June 2016, indicates that most attackers had limited direct connections to the organized extreme far-right, conducted attacks involving limited but rapid planning, and—perhaps as a result—had relatively limited impact in terms of casualties. These attacks coincided with (and likely led to) significant increases in the number of extreme far-right-linked men aged 51 and over being referred to the U.K.’s Prevent program and discussed within its Channel program. The U.K. case study and data raise important policy questions regarding the likely effectiveness of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) interventions for older demographics in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.