WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler’s Poor Nazi Germany – Chapter 9
Hitler and Mussolini Permitted To Go To War on the Side of a Spanish Fascist Revolt With Merciless Bombing of Republican Spain During the Spanish Civil War July 1936-April 1939
The fascist led military uprising in Spain was set to begin in the Spanish protectorate in Morocco so that control of Spanish Morocco could be achieved and forces sent to the Iberian Peninsula to coincide with the risings there. The uprising was led by a military group among whom General Francisco Franco soon achieved a preponderant role and would come to dictate the war. Franco immediately took control of the Canary Islands to which he had been assigned. Control over Spanish Morocco was expected as all but certain and indeed little resistance was encountered. The rebels there shot 189 people. [110]