Poland’s (Lack of) Vision for Europe

Warsaw’s resistance to deepening European integration cannot be ignored by other EU capitals. To bridge conflicting perspectives on the union’s future, Brussels must engage in dialogue with Poland while insisting on respect for the rule of law.

Is Hungary a Reliable EU and NATO Member?

At this point Hungary is the EU country that most closely resembles an autocracy. Anybody who has studied Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s rule will agree that Hungary has evolved into a political machine run by one man. The question should therefore be: who can rely on Mr. Orbán? The simple answer is: only Mr. Orban himself. He seems to be in politics for his own gain and it is fair to say that he is the loose cannon within NATO and EU.

France: A ‘Field of Ruins’

France, once again, is on the verge of chaos.

The subject of the discontent is the adoption of a law reforming the pension system in a minimal way: the legal retirement age in France has been set at 62 since 2010; the law raises it two years, to 64.

Neither members of the government nor economists on television dare to speak the truth: The French pension system is collapsing. The reform just adopted will not be enough to save it; just allow it to survive a bit longer.

WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler’s Poor Nazi Germany – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 ‘Weaponizing Nazis’

Contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations described as phenomenal and crucial to German military capabilities

With the world of the plundering Colonial Powers deep in the chaos of the Great Depression, a disastrous failure of rule by the banks of the capitalist countries, the United States internally threatened by local organizations of socialists, communists, anarchists, unionists and unpaid veterans, Nazi Germany was to be made into a loaded gun pointed, to be eventually fired, at the intolerably economically successful socialist Soviet Union, which had become a beacon of light for those calling for the overthrow of failed capitalism and plundering colonialism.

WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler’s Poor Nazi Germany – Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Profiting Well with Hitler – Hitler’s Rule Was Especially Profitable For American Corporatocracy’s Enterprises and Joint Ventures with Nazi Germany

On March 4th of 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. The following reports about Hitler’s draconic economic policies benefiting US corporations are excerpted from Profits “Über Alles!” by Jacques R. Pauls, GlobalResearch, 6/8/2004. [35]

WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler’s Poor Nazi Germany – Chapter 3

Chapter Three ‘Preparing War Profits’ – The ‘Good War’ Coverup Slogan Unmasked By Well Kept Business Records and Tax Documentation

That the Second World War was a ‘good war,’ a clear fight against what a madman had brought about, has been a major and fundamental deception solidified in Wall Street owned media and movies. The famous American historian Studs Terkel in his The Good War: An Oral History of World War II (1984), writes with unabashed cynicism, “While the rest of the world came out bruised and scarred and nearly destroyed, we came out with the most unbelievable machinery, tools, manpower, money … The war was fun for America. I’m not talking about the poor souls who lost sons and daughters. But for the rest of us the war was a hell of a good time.”

The Arab States and the Refugees

Refugees arrive in some of Europe’s poorest states, mainly Greece, Italy and Hungary, but insist that they have a right to head for more prosperous nations where welfare benefits are higher and healthcare freely available.

Muslim Immigration and How to Handle It

The political history of Muslim states has often been restricted to two options. They have either been ruled by nationalist (“secular”) oppressive regimes, or Islamist oppressive regimes. Unfortunately, many people in Middle East have so much affinity for political Islam that they do not realize that political Islam is the root cause of their problems. That attitude is the main reason they cannot get rid of their backward and violent regimes, or make cultural or scientific progress.